I've decided to do a weekly segment posting called "Friday's Favorites" and this week my theme is Spring! I'm in the ...
I've decided to do a weekly segment posting called "Friday's Favorites" and this week my theme is Spring! I'm in the ...
http://www.etsy.com/gift-guides/mother-s-day/132?&page=2 I'm so excited to be picked for one of Etsy's gift guides! My sepia Que...
http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=47950 I did get a treasury this time! To celebrate spring's arrival (or lack there of actu...
Fine Art Pottery by Lorikoop I came across this artist on the Such Cool Stuff blog and had to put a link to it on mine. She is amazing! And ...
Latest Work For a while there I was really into sepia tones. Now I am back into color again. Told you I get bored easily!! Took the kids to ...
I came across this idea on someone else's blog and thought it was worth sharing. It can be a little confusing to first time buyers on e...
1. Earrings Pink leaf-cute with pink and coral by Kirunalotta 2. Blooming Vine Scarf in Olive by fray 3. TreeHeart Print Olive Green Bambo...
I am going to shamelessly brag now! I made it to the front page of etsy!!! (Said like Joel McHale's "It's reality show clip ti...
Felt bracelet $15 Evrydiki : Felt Jewelry Artist I was cruising through the pounce feature on Etsy this morning and came across this awe...
Here are my latest photographs that I listed at LilacPOP Photography . Most of them are sepia toned nature photographs. Let me know what y...
Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE free stuff. I always have and always will. I love a good bargain too. I am a pretty lucky person to...
Free Shipping extended! Mondays stink and with the time change I am all out of sinc too! To make things a bit easier I'm extending free ...
There is a big sale going on from Thursday until Sunday on Etsy.com !! Lots of sellers are participating with free shipping and discounts s...
I got another treasury. I call it "Shades of Ochre." Very peaceful and soft. Check it out and be sure to leave a comment too! ...
Sepia Willow Trees, 8x10 $30 I have been in a caffeine induced, creative frenzy l...
I saw this and had to post it! It's from Martha Stewart's website on how to make flowers out of zippers. They are so cool I might ...