*Sorry for Post delay... our Cable, Internet and Landline Service went down during the Holiday Weekend... isn't that the way it always happens!? * 
Well, this is the last day of the SWEET SALVAGE 'For The Love Of Home' Event... but I'm pretty sure I can squeeze another Post or two out of the gazillion Images I took when I attended on Opening Day.  *Smiles*

I'm happy to make the time each Month to make the Pilgrimage to all of the Shops on 7th Avenue, it's the one day a Month that I most look forward to as a Girl's Day Out.

Though we tend to take care of Family and Home Twenty-Four-Seven, we do have to also make Time for ourselves too, just getting Together with our Friends and having Recreational Time doing what we all mutually Love. 

I always Imagined that when I didn't have the Corporate Careers anymore that I would have loads of Time to myself... nothing could be further from the Truth!   Though I do certainly have the Blessing of having more Time with Family and Pursuing other Passions, the Time to myself is still a Rare Luxury.

So I really do Savor those Moments when I have some Solitude and Freedom to do whatever I want or need to in order to re-energize without an entourage in tow.  *Smiles*

Lately Blogging hasn't been the Joy that it usually is because we've been having a slew of Internet and Cable problems and things are now "Up" again but still not functioning right... and Patience has never been one of my Virtues!  *Le Sigh*


I've got a lot of Beautiful Images I want to Share... but loading them has been the absolute Devil lately and this Post in particular has been so frustrating to try to Create!   I Love all the new Technology, but when it acts up or goes down it can be Challenging, because we have to call for Tech Support to 'fix' whatever is wrong since much of it is actually out of our Control.  Cox came and fixed their trifecta of 'Issues', but Blogger hasn't fixed theirs yet apparently... so I give up for now after days of trying... and Hope this Post Publishes halfway decent?  If not... it's not MY fault and I'll Attempt to 'fix' the Post later when my nerves aren't so frazzled by it!  *Smiles*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian