We took a vacation last week to Elk Rapids, Michigan which is a small town near Traverse City in northern Michigan. The kids and I rode up with my parents and my husband drove up later in the week (he had to work). My parents rented a really nice house right in town.

The first day we got there they had a nice little art fair going on and it was perfect weather! We strolled around and stopped at the beach so the kids could put their feet in the water. My daughter kept begging to go swimming once we got to the house but we opted to get groceries instead. I wish we'd listened to her! The next day was sunny but chilly and we froze down by the water and then it rained and was cloudy and really cold the rest of the week. But I got some great dramatic and stormy pictures!

My 7 year old daughter is the planner in our family. I think it's a gene that got passed down to her. She's always worried about what we are going to do next. My dad and my husband took her fishing and she outlasted them! The photo above is my husband holding up the little bag of snacks that she packed. She even wrote, "Snack for fishing" on the outside!

Most of our days there were like this. This is at one of the beaches in Traverse City.

They have a small train you can ride downtown and the kids were having a great time waiting for it!

Me and my daughter at the windy beach.

Playing checkers downtown Elk Rapids.

I love her beachy hair in these photos!
Walking along the beach...