Don't forget that tomorrow (Thursday) night is the artist's friends and family reception at Yellow Door Art Market. Hope you can stop by and have some snacks and drinks, meet the artists, and get some shopping done! I stopped by there today and it's hopping with shoppers! Also, tune into Fox 2 Friday morning to see April the owner talking about the Grand Opening on Saturday. More info here.

And if you are near Holly, Mi be sure to make it to Ladie's Night Out in downtown Holly. I'll be doing a trunk show at My Sweet Holly from 5-9 and I'm bringing new work with me too! The first 300 shoppers receive a free gift bag too. Click here for more info.
I am super busy in December too! I'll be listing all the shows you can find Lilacpop at soon...Noel Night in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Ferndale...things are about to get crazy.
Reasons I loved today: I met with Gallery U in downtown Royal Oak today and they took my big swings photo and hung it right in front as you walk in and booked me for a show! I'll be the first Michigan artist in the gallery. I'm so excited. The gallery is a few doors down from the Royal Oak Music Theater and they have galleries on the east coast too. They might take a few pieces for those galleries as well. I'll be a national artist officially! They also want me to teach classes on how to start a business on etsy. Contact the gallery if you are interested.
AND my custom cash register date photo made it into a national bridal magazine, Get Married! Thank you Catching Fireflies!

Yep, today was a good day indeed!