Image cribbed from the Art of Brian Pulido

Image of Robin Brown cribbed from Magnolia Pearl's Book
Image cribbed from Bing Images
Image cribbed from the fashions of Gypsy Moon

Image of Robin Brown cribbed from Magnolia Pearl's Book
Image of French Holy Water Font cribbed from E-Bay
Image cribbed from a Wedding by David Tutera
Image cribbed from Bing Images
I am an extremely visual person... and so beautiful images, of what I find to be beauty, inspire me like nothing else. These are just a sampling of beautiful Bohemian Gypsy Style images that I find enchanting. Some are from favorite Artists and Designers that I adore the work of... others are simply photographs of objects that I found equally inspiring. I believe we should surround ourselves with whatever we find to be beautiful and inspiring, being true to ourselves rather than the followers of trends and fads. When I think of a trend or fad I tend to ask, "Who are you?", because quite often the Heart, Soul and true character of an individual can become lost, hidden, buried or overshadowed by whatever is allegedly "in" or "out" and is the current trend or fad of the moment. Not to say that something trendy or faddish might not actually appeal to your true sensibilities and reflect it in a genuine way... and that is just wonderful if it is who you REALLY are at your core... but to embrace it and connect with it then I feel it should be something of who you are. I have visited places that are so cookie cutter in their sameness, inside and/or out, that there seems to be no individuality at all to the scene... does the same person occupy ALL of these places and spaces???!!!!! It would seem so... I can get lost in such monotony because there is nothing distinctive, unique or personal about it at all, just stamped out like some mass produced product that someone convinces almost everyone they should have... they need to have in fact... or they're just not with it, fitting in, conforming, following the rules. I wonder... who made the rules anyway? And by what authority? I saw the most lovely quote by Dr. Seuss in the Barn House Blog, that had been sent to them by Aunty Joy and they are definitely words to live by:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
So... if you find that you gravitate more towards being true to yourself, regardless of what popular opinion or the "maker of rules" of decorating, lifestyle, design, fashion, etc... want to attempt to force upon you... I applaud you... because even just a glimpse of you would tell me who you are and I wouldn't have to wonder or guess, "Who are you... really?" because of a facade of who you think you ought to be, dictated by the masses... Dawn... The Bohemian