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Today's Post will just take you on a visual Tour of some of the random things I Love and which provide endless Inspiration for me, not just on Fridays *winks*, but every day...

Junk, pure & simple, other people's trash & discards are very often my Found Treasures...

And theres...

Cloches and Old Rosaries...

Vintage Persian Carpets...

Vintage Metal Filigree, Lotions & Potions...

Angels and Vintage Doorknobs...


And Carnivals...

Historic Landmarks...

Watching the Children of my BFF's grow up & have Families of their own...


And Grand Old Victorians being lovingly restored...

Old Doors...

Antique Needlepoint...

My Garden in Bloom...

Old Silver...

Italian Tole Chandies & Vintage Seltzer Bottles...

Feedsack Pillows...

French Enamel Body Pitchers...

Cats, Architectural Salvage & Old Stained Glass Windows

Morrocan Tea Glasses...

How Children can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, whilst doing anything...

Spending time with the Lord...

Old Columns & Candelabras...

Religious Statuaries...

Victorian Ceiling Tin...

French Bistro Chairs, Footlockers & Old Western Paraphernalia...

Rust and the objects it has given it's unique patina to...

Vintage Dress Forms...

Sleeping Babies...

Art depicting Sleeping Babies...

Anything Mardi Gras...

Old Suitcases & Spiritual Art...

Upcycled Fashions...

Greenery & Vintage Patio/Motel Furniture...

Modest Crystal Chandies...

And Over-The-Top Crystal Chandies...

And how Crystals refract Light and change Colors...

Peacock Feathers & Icons...

Velvet & Lace...

Carpetbags *This lovely one created by Shelly Session*

And of coarse, Bohemian Bling...

Yes my Loves are many and varied... this is merely a "Short List" of just some of the things I Love and makes my Heart sing... what are some of YOURS my Friends???

May you always be surrounded by those you Love and what you Love...

And why don't you join us to share some of what you Love at the Blog Party over at Debra's COMMON GROUND for Vintage Inspiration Friday!?

And for those of you who love Photography and learning more about how to take better pictures for your Blogs, join us over at A ROSY NOTE for Photo Feature Friday, this week's suggested Theme or Challenge was PINK... I'm still perfecting 'The Close-Up' using my inexpensive little point and shoot digital camera... it's coming along though and I'm enjoying the results, though I was conflicted on which close-up to use and finally settled on the Velvet Roses of a fav Top made by my Friend Angela of RARE EARTH DESIGNS. My amateur tip is to just take several stills until you're happy with the results and then delete from your Memory Card what you don't need and won't use... I still have some trouble with close-ups being blurry because I don't have a professional grade camera... but I SO Love close-ups so I'm determined to get some good ones to share here in the Land Of Blog! *winks* 

Dawn... The Bohemian

*Many of today's Photos were taken at RUST & ROSES and SAGE... Persian Carpet & Morrocan Tea Glass Images cribbed from E-Bay Auctions*
