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I'm very fickle when it comes to color palettes, styles and decorating... I'm not loyal to just one color palette or decorating scheme or style you see.  Different colors, styles and things appeal to me at different times and Seasons.  Right now I am definitely liking it shabby and earthy, its what I'm gravitating to at this particular time.  I've noticed the shift and though I can still appreciate lovely Whites, Pastels and other Styles... I'm being drawn towards the tattered, tarnished, weathered, earthier objects, colors and styles lately more than anything else.

Things like time worn Books that have the wear of being read and handled for decades.  Old tarnished Silver and Rusty Metal Objects.  Lovely old Suitcases and Steamer Trunks in Butterscotch and muted shades of Browns and even Black.  Faded Needlepoints and old worn Leather... Grainsack fabrics covering pillows and Antique chairs.  Old chipped Gesso Frames and Mirrors that have an aged patina to the looking glass.  Glass Cloches and lovely old Typewriters... old Baskets and Industrial Salvage.  Dress form Mannequins that have seen better days, but which have a History to them of being fitted with Fashions through the ages.  Aged Paper objects and fabrics that show the ravages of time.

So it was a delight to visit a favorite Shop, NOT TOO SHABBY and indulge the senses in the section of the Shop that has a wealth of those beautiful things in the Style and color palette that I'm gravitating towards right now.  Kim and Katie have amassed so many wonderful items of this genre in fact that it was difficult to just come away with the "one" thing that I'd limited myself to acquire on this visit... can you guess which piece it was?  I know... hard, huh?  I want it ALL! *Winks*  But I did settle for the luxurious earthtone long Vintage Belgian Velvet table Runner.  Oh, there was so much more that I would have liked to haul away! *LOL* But I did pride myself in my restraint this day... and just come away with scads of lovely Photos to share of the rest... well, part of it anyway... the other part I shall save and tempt you with another day... in another Post... stay tuned... and we'll go Junquing again together soon to savor even more delightful shabbiness in other palettes, styles and schemes... a little something for everyone... regardless of what you're being drawn to at this moment... there is sure to be something you'll fall in love with... we always do, right?

Dawn ... The Bohemian 

*Everything photographed at NOT TOO SHABBY in Phoenix*
