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It was my One Year Blogaversary on July 5th... that's also my Mom's Birthday...

I had intended to do something special to celebrate my 1st Anniversary Journey into the Land Of Blog.  But you know how even with the best of intentions Life can throw some unexpected turns...

Normally in this Family we celebrate any special occassion... or sometimes celebrate for no particular reason or occassion at all.  And being that Blogging has in many ways changed me in so many positive ways and connected me to so many wonderful people across the World it was something I had wanted to mark in time and some kind of special way... 

But given the unfortunate turn of events it will have to wait my Friends...
Maybe some other time...
I know you will understand.

But suffice to say you are ALL very much appreciated...  your Friendship, Inspiration, Prayers and Encouragements have meant so much during this past year here in this Magical Place we call The Land Of Blog.  This has grown me, sparked creativity and imagination, challenged me, given me new Vision and been a nourishing Place to come to daily... to share... and to enjoy the sharing of so many others...  To connect to Kindred Spirits and meet new Friends who share many similar Passions... and 'get' me... Who knew...  And I'm so glad I curiously wandered in and decided to stay...

Dawn... The Bohemian 