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There is so much more than the Beautiful Sage & Sepia or White Hues abounding at RUST & ROSESif like me, Color saturates your World and Jewel Tones are always tucked amid the Sage & Sepia accents and the Whites, you're going to be delighted with the Colorful Inventory of Found Treasures as well.

Exotic Fabrics, like the East Indian Gypsy Umbrellas & Antique Needlepoints & Velvet Upholstered Antique Chairs will take your breath away {BTW I so want one of those Umbrellas!}...
As well as Colorful Italian Tole & the Rusty, Crusty Industrial Salvage & chippy Architectural Salvage that still sports the Bold Hues they were originally painted in.  The Bright Vintage Paint-By-Numbers Paintings {Remember doing those and feeling like quite the Artist as a Child? LOL}... and the Funky, Fun Retro pieces that take me back to my Hippie Inspired Youth... *Smiles*

To me Beautiful surroundings have always been a place where I Retreat to soothe my Spirit, Body & Soul and recharge my Energy so that it remains Positive & Uplifted, even in the midst of adversity, failing health, sorrows and trials... of which there have been far too many in recent times with those I Love.  What you choose to surround yourself with is as important as who you choose to surround yourself with.  It is my Hope that you choose to surround yourselves with that which nourishes and nurtures your Spirit, Body and Soul and keeps you Balanced, Joyful and Content. 

Be sure to come back tomorrow as we continue the Melrose Crawl through RUST & ROSES  because just a couple of Posts cannot do this Shopper & Junquer's Paradise justice... all of you who have a Love of Old will want to see the Images of some of the Natural Elements I'll showcase next at the Shop.  Whatever you're looking for, you're sure to find... abundantly and in the most Welcome and Inviting surroundings here...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian 