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Though I certainly look forward to what the Future holds and Live Passionately in the Moment... I am a Nostalgic Soul.  And that's probably why I have a Deep Love Affair of 'Old'.
Remnants of the Past are Cherished... be they Things, Sights, Sounds, Memories, Relationships or Captured Images.
A Sentimental Longing for the Past only seems to deepen and heighten with Age... a Hope that at least some things from the Past remain in the Present and move forward with us into the Future. 
 That it all won't simply be Erased, Torn Down, Forgotten or Discarded as if it had never been.  Because once Lost, it can be a Forever Thing in a negative way... and that's a mighty long time!
Old Buildings... Natural Treasures and unspoiled places... Old Friendships... Antiques and Vintage Items that depict their specific Eras and are a part of History... all have Value to those of us who Share an Appreciation and Love of such things... and seek to Preserve that which we deem Important enough to Protect.
It doesn't mean that what is New isn't also Embraced and Valued... but I do Believe there has to be a Balance and Blend of the two.  What Was and what Is, being harmoniously combined if you will.
I am certainly a staunch Advocate for each... Progress and History.
 Enjoying both and avoiding extremes in either.  You cannot stay stuck in the Past... and yet you should also Value the History of what has Survived the Tests of Time!  Not everything New is better and not everything Old is passe'.
And I do so Enjoy taking those Trips down Memory Lane... especially as I dig up Remnants of my own Past as I am going through things during my Edit and Purge Project.  Some long Forgotten and so Fun to Share with Family and Friends and talk about the 'Old Days'.  Yep... that's a Faded School ID Image of me in my Youth, decked out in Dashiki and Love Beads!  *LOL*  Old Friends and Family Enjoyed taking the Trip down Memory Lane with me via Facebook on New Year's Eve recalling "That Girl" and "Those Times".  Our FB Pages lit up with animated Nostalgic Conversation, Faded Images everyone dug up and Shared Memories... and it was so Enjoyable to Reminisce and Relive the Past with those who Share so much History Together and Remember When! 
And who knows what Nostalgic Memories we may be now Creating that will Live On in the Future?  Kept Alive and Intact by those who are Preservationists of the Past!   Maybe even Blog Posts will be Retained in Cyberspace to be looked upon like a Virtual Time Capsule... only Time will tell...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian