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We're still Enjoying SWEET SALVAGE'S 'Boho Nouveau' Event here on my Blog... and this Image is of an ensemble I wish I still had the figure for!  Alas, corseted waistlines is probably not gonna work for me right now in a flattering way... but I certainly Loved this Look and would definitely wear it if I ever get my Girlish Figure back!  *Winks*
It is most definitely My Style and would go with my Wardrobe quite well... Loved everything about it.

Since Boho Style is all about Eclectic Tastes and Styling with selections from various sources, you are Free to mix a variety of Styles to get your Distinctive 'Look'... one that does not have to be Pure or hold rigidly to a single paradigm. 

This drawing upon multiple theories, sources and methods of Styling doesn't mean that everything has to be a haphazard random mish-mash of objects with no order, rhyme or reason to how it came together... it is more a thoughtful blend of Elements that has a Philosophy behind it.  Denoting a thinker whose views are borrowed partly from one, partly from another, of their predecessors.  Usually the Appreciation and Attraction to different things and Styles will be the catalyst to the blend that is distinctively Boho.
And quite often Boho Style is unexpected in what you will find in the Decor and Styling of those that Embrace the Philosophy of it... because it is as Individual and Personal as a Style can get, and it will most certainly reflect the Individual and their Tastes very distinctively, you will know who they are and what they're about and Interested in.  So there are usually Surprises in store for a Space Decorated Boho Style.
And many Quirky Elements as well... since Eclectic folks tend to seek out that which makes them Feel something, Stimulates and Interests or Intrigues them in some way.   This Fabulous 'Mrs. Doubtfire' sized Vintage Dress Form for example is not the Typical dimensions... and therefore it would most certainly Appeal to the Boho Spirit even if that Person were not a plus sized individual!  *LOL*  She is the biggest one I've ever seen and that Delighted me... she was 'Sold' just after I Photographed her... and I could Imagine her being Styled in a Kitchen where Eating is Encouraged, to add Whimsey to a Serious Chef's Kitchen where the Heart and Soul of the Home is in the Kitchen and the Meals lovingly and skillfully prepared there.
Don't own a Bird?  In the Boho Home it wouldn't mean that you wouldn't have numerous Bird Cages anyway... each holding a Vignette or a Ambiant Light Source of some kind rather than a Feathered Friend!  *Winks*
Bohemianism is the practice of an Unconventional Lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, with few permanent ties, involving musical, artistic, or literary pursuits.  Therefore it doesn't necessarily have to be Color Saturated... but it almost always involves a 'Colorful Personality' of which the Individual is comfortable defying Convention and just doing their own Thing... whatever that may be.
Though many who Enjoy Boho Style often mix Patterns, Colors and Styles Boldly, you don't have to be Opposed to Neutrals or Organics to go Boho and be Unconventional in your approach to Decorating and Styling yourself or your Home.  You just have to be somewhat different from the 'Norm' in how you may go about it all. 
 Of coarse, to many of us who are considered Bohemians, the term 'Normal' is strictly Subjective anyway... who determines what is Normal or Abnormal when it comes to Style anyway?  *LOL*   But I realize that if you're not doing what most people are doing, or looking how most people look when it comes to your particular Style and preferred Aesthetic, that would probably not be the 'Norm' and naturally would be considered different by most people's standards.  I'm totally comfortable with the Label of Bohemian and it is what I consider myself and my preferred Style given the meaning and terminology.
Yes... I most certainly DID see the Lovely Belgian Cut Velvet Table Runner under those Scrabble Tiles in a Silver Dish... no Vintage Exotic Style Fabric escaped my scrutiny... and there was so much to choose from that it was torturous to select just a few Favs!!!
And what piece in particular was I forced to leave behind due to the dreaded Budget and was Seriously Lusting Over and Jonesin' for?  And would certainly have 'Scored' if money were no object?  This one!!!  *Insert Swoon of Epic Proportions.*
This is in Sweet Jackie's Vignette and is a higher end Work and Garment of Religious Art that just takes my breath away!  I wish I could afford it, I really do, it is Superb.
And beneath the Gilded Table with Ornate Barbola Swags elevated to eye level... it was indeed a Showstopper!!!
And I really Enjoyed the Idea of utilizing an oversized Bird Cage to Display Fashion in.  The Bold Colored Velvet Chairs with Sari Upholstered Footstools were Princess T's Favorites.  She has a penchant for East Indian Decor and the Vivid Jewel Tones of India... I don't blame her, it's always so unbashedly Colorful and Joyful... and the Hand-Work is always Sublime!

But there were also some Fabulous Monotone, Organic and Colorless Boho Fashions as well.

And the Boho Gal's Boudoir could have an Eclectic Mixture of Found Treasures that very well could look like this... or Mardi Gras Beads... it depends on her Mood!  *Winks*
I've even had my Organic, Sepia and White Phases when the Mood suits me... always done in My Style of Excessive Eclecticism of coarse.  *Winks*   And actually, Sepia and Organic Found Treasures have always Appealed to me... I just happen to mix them with Exotics and Jewel Tones most of the time rather than going with them as a predominant Palette.
Because along with my Pearls, Antique Lace and Frosty Hued Collectibles I'd almost certainly have something like this plopped in the Vignette as well... I was Loving this Velvet European Crucifix in fact!  I have a vast Collection of European Crucifixes...  Rosaries...
 Infant Of Prague Vintage Statuaries...
And Our Lady Of Lourdes Statuaries... I just Love them and they're some of my Oldest Collections since I began Collecting them as a very Young Child.   I guess I've always been a Collector and have had a Love of Old Things and Spiritual Art  from a very Young Age.  I don't remember that anyone got me started on it, it was just something I had a Natural Urge to do that brought me great Pleasure and still does to this day. 
It's probably not anything I'll stop doing since Styling and Collecting is a Passion of mine and are constantly Changing and Evolving as things are moving in and out of our Home, my Showroom and Loft Spaces.   Making Money doing something I Love and would do anyway has just turned out to be an added Bonus really.
And Attending Events such as these and speaking with other Stylists, Artists, Bloggers, Pickers and Small Business Owners has Inspired and Encouraged me tremendously on this Journey I've embarked upon.  
I always Enjoyed Styling my own Home and Sourcing Found Treasures for myself and Friends... and now its double the Fun to do it for my Retail Spaces and Customers.
And of coarse, as someone who Loves to also Write and Photograph Beautiful Images, Blogging has also added a dimension to the Journey and to the Fun.  And I'm always flattered when I run into my Blog Friends in Person and Discover how much they've Enjoyed the Fruits of my Labor here and I really Appreciate the Kind Words and Compliments you've Encouraged me with.
I've met so many New Friends along this Journey and Learned so much... so it's an ongoing Education and Social Network of like-minded peeps!  Who knew there were so many of us! *LOL*
And that we'd have such Fun doing this all!!!
Because I definitely Believe it is Important to Enjoy the Process... otherwise, why bother?
And be sure to have a delish Cookie on the way in or out from my Lovely Friend Carissa's Hot Dog Stand MAMA'S DOGS!   Because you'll definitely Work up an Appetite!
See you Tomorrow my Friends as we wrap up the Event in the Finale Post...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
