So... get ready, get ready, get ready!!! After the Dealer Breakfast in the Morning we will be hanging out at our Booths, Cases, Galleries and Showrooms for the Memorial Day "Name Your Own Price Sale" at THE BRASS ARMADILLO WEST!!! And since my last Post focused mostly on the Front Entrance Vignette paying Homage to our Military... and my own Showroom Inventory... today I'll focus on some Inventory that caught my Eye from some of the other Dealers within the 55,000 square feet on two levels of Shopping Pleasure you'll Enjoy at our Antique Mall Location!
Of coarse I fell in Love with this Vintage Gypsy Doll... isn't she Adorable?
And this Vintage Marilyn Monroe Calendar had some Images of her I'd never seen before.
Loved the Metallic Tassle Trim on this Vintage Chair.
And some more Dress Forms had made their way into the Mall for the Big Sale! This one is in my Friend Antonio's Showroom.
I would have liked to have been able to get this great Retro School Desk in original Crayola Red paint for Princess T to do her Homework and Artwork on... I remember sitting at desks like this at Grade School.
But it Sold shortly after Photographing it... I guess some folks weren't willing to risk waiting for the Sale to 'Score' their Favorite Found Treasures... and I don't blame them. This was already priced to Sell quickly, as you'll find many things are... some things really need no Negotiating to know it's already a Great Deal and why wait to Haggle! As much as I Enjoy Haggling and the Art of the Deal... when I know something is already priced to Sell quickly, I don't bother to wait either, knowing it will be scooped up at the asking price!
My Friend Romeo got some really Sweet Americana Antiques in for the Sale and his Showroom is full of them.
This Clock has the original Graphics painted on it and I Loved that it says 'We owe allegiance to no Crown.' That's definitely Founding Fathers Pilgrim Pride right there! *LOL*
The Selection of Great Antique Chairs Romeo got in were just Gorgeous! This one was my Favorite.
And if any of you are Styling and have a Passion for Early American Furnishings you'll definitely have to check out Romeo's Inventory!
I can only Imagine how many Generations of Little Ones have been Rocked to Sleep in this Old Rocking Chair!?!
Okay, so I threw in a couple of Images from my Showroom too... *Winks* If you're going for the Global Styling look I've got some Inventory that will definitely Work. I kept finding Treasures that just reminded me of Africa and Safari Style... including some Original Artwork.
This Vintage BINGO Game Set was complete and in Mint Condition. I Love Discovering Vintage Games that look almost like they did when they were Brand New don't you? It just Transports you back in Time and you can Imagine what a Child of that Era might have felt like when they Received it as a Gift and it was the "Newest Thing" every Kid Desired and had on their 'Wish List'.
Even though I've never Danced Professionally, my Mom did... and I Recall all her Stories of Ballet and Ballroom Dancing... Ballet being her Favorite form of Dance. So Old Ballet Slippers hold a Special Meaning and place in my Heart and Memories of the Stories Mom used to Share with me of her Years as a Dancer. I got to talk to her Yesterday Afternoon... and it made me Miss her all the more and the Time we used to be able to spend together when she lived locally.

Do you ever see Nostalgic Items and have it bring back a flood of Memories, Stories, Events and fond Recollections? Perhaps that is why every Generation looks at Vintage Items from their particular Life Eras rather fondly... even if they don't Decorate with or Collect them. I often see folks wandering the Mall just Fondly Recalling, getting Excited when they see something they Remember Having or that their Parents or Grandparents had... and talking about and Sharing their Memories with each other or with the Staff. "Hey, Remember those!?!" is an oft repeated Phrase!
Who from my Generation doesn't remember these Iconic Posters of Jim Morrison and Farrah Fawsett? I definitely had some of Jim's Images and I know my Brother had some of Farrah's! *Winks* And was there any Young Gal that didn't want that Wild tossled mane of Hair and Beautiful perfect ultrabright Smile!? What other Iconic Heart-throbs and their Hairstyles or Fashion Statements and sense of Style made an Impact on your particular Generation?
And since Taxidermy is really On Trend right now it's been Selling Out quickly... so several of the Dealers have brought in some more Taxidermy... even some Full Mounts like this Coyote.

I Admit that I prefer to see Coyotes Alive and in the Wild since they are Natives of our Southwest Desert and I highly Respect them as a Species even though many consider them Vermin and don't Appreciate their Intelligence and Beauty as much as I do. I have been up close to Coyotes and their Resilience and Adaptation to Human Encroachment is a Testimony of their Fortitude. I have a Funny, yet Bittersweet Coyote Story of an Elderly Dog Breeder years ago that we knew who bred Collies on the outskirts of Town from her Ranch. My Parents bred Collies at the time too and we became good Friend with this Dear Lady who had a big Heart for all Animals... and used to try to find permanent Homes for displaced Strays that wandered onto her Ranch too. She would take them in for a time until she could find a suitable Home for them, but in her Old Age her Eyesight was getting pretty bad. Well... one day Dad came to visit and she was Lamenting that she was finding it very difficult to part with this Supremely Intelligent and Loving Stray Dog that wandered onto her Land recently, because it was much Smarter than any Dog she'd ever known, owned or seen and was so Devoted to her that she hated to have to let him go... and she'd known, owned and seen a lot of Dogs. Well... you guessed it... Dad had to inform her that it wasn't a Dog at all... it was a Young Male Coyote!!! She ended up donating the Animal to a Wildlife Preserve since he had become too accustomed and unafraid by then of Humans to Safely return to the Wild and not be considered a Nuisance. But at least the Story had a Happy Ending for the Beautiful and Wily Wild Animal that had Tricked her into caring for him! *LOL*

I Love a Good Story as you can tell... and quite often when I see Antiques and Vintage Items I like to make up Stories that might have gone with them and I like to Style with a made-up 'Story' in Mind.
This Re-Purposed Old Door really caught my Eye...
It has been made into a Shelf and Room Divider...
And the Details on it are Lovely!!!
The same Dealer also has this Awesome Old White Chippy Shabby Kitchen Cupboard... would LOVE to have this in our Main Kitchen if we had room for it!!!
But one thing I spied that I didn't wait for the Sale to pick up for myself was one of these Old Gramophone Music Box Records...
The Graphics on it are Beautiful and it's Huge...
And I left one just for you if you find them to be as Lovely as I did?!? *Winks* They are priced to Sell quickly though... so I don't know how long the other one will last?
I'm Glad I didn't wait, I didn't want to risk not being able to procure at least one!
I've put a fair amount of Mantiques in my Showroom for this Sale since I've had a lot of Guys Patronizing my Retail Spaces... who knew?!? I'm actually Surprised how many Men enter my Showroom and end up buying... I just thought my Vibe would mostly Appeal to the Gals... but I'm Glad it's transcended Gender Barriers and the Guys are diggin' it too.
Loved this Old Cash Register's Keys.
And I Hope whoever purchases it isn't just after the sum of it's Parts, but might actually just Display it 'As Is' or Restore it to Working Order?
And hows this for a Cool Idea to Upcycle some of your Old Shoe Forms? I think I'm going to turn a couple of mine into Bookends for the Library now!
And if you're looking for a Magnificent Antique Mantle... check out this one in Showroom #108!
Yeah, OMG is what I said too... I can only Imagine what the Mansion looked like that this Old Beauty came out of?!?
Showroom #108 always has some Awesome Antique Furnishings.
Loved the Table with the Mismatched Chairs as well... I like blending pieces that just look Beautiful but weren't necessarily made to go together, it adds Interest and Personality to Styling... I'm just not a big Fan of Matchy-Matchy... too Mundane and Predictable.
Loved this piece in Room #108 too and it goes nicely with that Table and Mantle.
It's all in the Details and Fabulous Patina and Woodgrains for me! Well... Hope you saw something you might want to Strike a Deal upon? Hope to see you there...
And we'll still be Serving up One Dollar Hamburgers, Twenty Five Cent Chips and Fifty Cent Hotdogs, so stay for Lunch too! My Friend Dealer Dan is Grillmaster...
And this is my Friend Hugh with his likeness in Doll Form... isn't that Hilarious?!? Princess T Adores Mr. Hugh... now she'll probably want one of her own Mr. Hugh Dolls? *LOL*
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian