As we continue to add to the Home Altar this Weekend for Dia de los Muertos and Celebrate the Lives of our Dearly Departed and pay Tribute to them in our own Special way, I Feel a profound closeness to their Spirits and Fond Remembrance of times Shared on this side of Time and Eternity.

I do miss the Masterful Cuisine of my Dad, most especially during the Holidays when he would have been baking and cooking up a storm for a Host of Guests and Family.  It was his particular Gift and Joy to prepare meals for others and as a Talented Master Chef he did it Superbly.

Cups of Tea with Nanna will always be fondly remembered, her regaling us with Storytelling that came to Life since she was a Retired Theatre Performer and Actress from an Era before Television and the Internet.   So on the Altar Mom and I will once again be joining my Nanna for a proverbial Cup of Tea in some of our Heirloom British China.   A much Younger Mom and I to be sure... *Winks*

Princess T Created the small Sugar Skull and Master Hispanic Folk Artist Irma Sanchez Created the OOAK large Sugar Skull Masks that are on our Altar.  This one is called 'Cutie Pie'... Irma's Masks can be found displayed year round at various Art Galleries and selective Masks were Photographed to be Created into Wearable Art, which you can purchase at this LINK if you were unable to make it to the Desert Botanical Gardens this Weekend for the Dia de los Muertos Celebration and Mercado.
We had so much fun at the Gardens Celebrating Dia de los Muertos yesterday and we will go back today for the Procession at Sunset.  Future Posts will take you along virtually with us so you can join in the Festivities.

I am a Huge Fan of Altars and keep them year round in our Home in various rooms... Creating Special ones for Beloved Traditions and Rituals we Celebrate throughout the year, such as Dia de los Muertos.

Some Family and Friends were taken much too unexpectedly and soon, leaving a sudden Void in our Lives.  

Others had a good long run and so their Passing was not as unexpected and we had more of a Peace about it when it was their Time to Transition from Time into Eternity and we could Let Go more easily.

I also like to pay Homage to Favorite Artists who have greatly Influenced me... such as Frida Kahlo, who epitomizes Free Spirited Living and Great Art.

I always have a lot of Fun Creating my Altars... they are always Meaningful to me on a Spiritual, Personal and Artistic level.  The combining of Life, Art and Spirituality is what I live and breathe.

We will continue to Display and add to our Dia de los Muertos Altar for a while and Enjoy it long after the actual Celebration has passed.   We're still searching for Memorials and Photos of the Dearly Departed that we want to Honor with it.   With things being as crazy as they have been on a Personal level I can't always recall where I've stored Sentimental and Cherished items and Photos.  That is why my Blog, Facebook and Pinterest are so nice, everything is neatly Organized and readily Available in Cyberspace!   Moreso than my Home anyways! *Smiles*

Prince R also Created a lovely small Sugar Skull while at the Dia de los Muertos Celebration at the Desert Botanical Gardens yesterday... I thought both G-Kids did a Superb Job, don't you?  

In fact, we were all in our Element visiting with all of the Talented Local Artists... Prince R didn't want to leave, he was busy making Friends and getting Advice from so many Wonderful Artists that were offering Encouragement and Praise of his budding Artistic Talents and profound Interest in the Arts.

Our Family has had Generations of Artists... it appears to be one of our Endowed Gifts to be Artistic and so Exposing the Children to Art has always been our Way of Life so that they can discover and develope their own Unique Gifts.

I am always deeply saddened when the first budget cuts they want to make at Schools is to the Arts.  Art is one of the Beauties that Ministers to and Feeds the Soul, not only of the Artist, but to those the Art Form is Shared with.   Who hasn't been Touched by and Enjoyed an Artistic Creation, whether it be a Painting, Music, Sculpture, Jewelry, Carving, Wearable Art, Craft, Assemblage, Theatre or other Performing Arts?  There are a lot of things I could Live without, but Artistic Beauty and the Arts isn't one of them!

And in the next few days I shall be taking you along with us to the Dia de los Muertos Celebration, Procession, Offrendas and Mercado so that you too can Enjoy the total Experience.


Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
