Since we have a Love of all things Old... of coarse The G-Kid Force and I thoroughly Enjoyed the Vintage Car Show at the 7th Avenue Street Fair as well.  They just don't make 'em like this anymore!  It makes me Wonder in the Future, will any Modern Vehicles be Worthy of Vintage Car Shows... not in my opinion, none will drop jaws and make you have a Lustfest like these anyway.  And it brings back a wave of Nostalgia for me since my Brother and I used to Attend all of the Local Car Shows together when he was doing Professional Event Photography and still lived in the Valley.  So... for the Vintage Car and Truck Enthusiasts among us... Enjoy the Visual Overload of Fabulous Vintage Vehicles!!!  No further Words necessary, the Images speak 1,000 Words:










We actually did the entire Event in less than two Hours because Gramma is now Sporting one of these Boots and gimping around... yep, had been apparently walking around for Months on a Stress Fractured Foot!  Finally gave in and got it looked at and will now be wearing one of these contraptions for a few Months... ugg... no way to make one of those look Fashionable!  *Winks*  And it's on my Driving Foot... which gives a whole new meaning to Leadfoot Driver! *LOL*  My insensitivity and indifference to Pain, which I Inherited from my Dear Ole' Dad, had made it aggrivating and yet not incapacitating.  Dad was the type to go Old School Apache when it came to bearing Pain and finally gave in and took a little bit of Aleve Asperin for Terminal Cancer Pain near the end!!!  He was Hard Core Tough as Old Boots and taught us Fierce Endurance coupled with Grace, Dignity and Positive Attitude no matter what you might be up against or dealing with!   And now I got an ugly Ole Boot I'm dealling with that is really cramping my Style!  *Smiles*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
