Almost two years... that's how long you Graced us with your Presence and your big Personality Yul.  Thin from too much time on the Road and nobody to Care for you... you spent three long Months skittish and distrustful of the Adults, yet slyly Endearing yourself to the Children and the Bohemian Cat Boys... with your Plan to Adopt us and make us YOUR Family.  I tried to Resist, but who could Resist those Beautiful Bright Baby Blues with the Intent Gaze and the Handsome Siamese Boy that you are for long... not I... and so I succumbed and became your Human Mom.  The Human Mom of the Siamese King of Bohemian Valhalla... and so we named you Yul, after a Favorite Iconic King of Siam I always Admired and considered Exoticly Handsome too.

But this Morning, after our Tearful Family Meeting on what would be the best and most Humane outcome for your situation, and unanimous consensus after we Processed the Vet's diagnosis, I was looking into the Gaze of different eyes.  Tired, weary, defeated eyes, no longer Bright, reflecting back to me how much the Fight against terminal illness had taken it's toll upon you and now was so painfully evident you were rapidly succumbing to.  And I felt so Helpless to be able to do any more... except what I knew to be the Right thing by you and to say Good-Bye my Good Boy and allow you to be put to Sleep and have your Essence Change Form and Transition from Time into Eternity.  The Staff said you had been Noble, Stoic and Good Natured right up to the end... I never doubted you would be... that's how a True King behaves and Rules his World.


It's not until I look back at the Images of before... and the Images of recent times, that I recognize how much you thrived when showered with Love and Attention.  Yes, you came into your own and became that big Ole' Sassy Spoiled rotten Boy that Intimidated every other Cat around and always appeared so Healthy and Strong.   I can relate in some ways my Beloved Furry Friend, to Assuming you are Healthy and Strong by all Appearances to the World, only to discover you no longer are... it can happen to even the Best of us and usually is quite a Shock. 

And I guess I am Shocked because it was all so very unexpected.  Had it been now frail, Elderly Morris I might have been ready to say Good-Bye to a Good Long Run.  He too was a big Strong Old Tomcat for many years and quite the Intimidating Presence on the Ole Homestead.  But he's been around a very, very long time now and Old Age is catching up to him and leaving it's mark, as it does on everything and everyone.  And because Rusty came to us as a sickly Feral Kitten, even though he's now a big Strong Tough Old Boy, given his History and Feral ways that have always remained strong, I might have expected him to preceed you too.  I guess I always figured you'd be the last to leave us Yul and be around a long, long time.
You, who had to have your own dish and water bowl because you weren't big on Sharing anything but your Love with the Humans in your Family.   While the others had Communal meals and beds you set yourself apart voluntarily... being tolerant of those you considered minions in your World so long as they knew their place in the pecking order of the household and recognized you as Royalty.  *Smiles*

And as I said Good-Bye, stroking and Comforting you as you drifted off to Sleep, my Heart was breaking because it was one of the hardest decisions to make and I had to be the one to make it.  I had cried all Night as I wrestled with the weight of the decision... secretly Hoping that you might have been taken during the Night naturally by a Hand Greater than mine or the Vet's.  I Imagine this is one of the most difficult parts of his Job too and I appreciated the Compassionate way he explained our Options and was the Messenger of Bad News so that we didn't feel unduly pressured to decide in haste.  You had been made more comfortable and even had your favorite meal before it was time... and I really Believe you were ready... I could see it in your Eyes... the Fight was gone in you and that made is easier to bear the weight of our decision to let you go.

I was Surprised at the Maturity in which your Children Accepted the News and came into Agreement, especially Princess T who Adored you more than any of us, you two were thick as thieves and Best Buds.  I had thought she might Resist letting you go and be angry at me if I decided letting go was best... but she didn't.  With great Wisdom beyond her years she had told me it was Okay, you were very Sick and she didn't want to see you suffering any more and it was your Time.  She's known suffering from Infirmity well, she's known how hard it is to keep Fighting. 

 Since you couldn't get better she didn't want you to have to keep hanging on for any of us because we couldn't let you go.  Prince R agreed and here they were, trying to Comfort me as I wept and dreaded the task of the final say-so... of allowing Yul to enter into Eternal Slumber.  It was quick and looked very much like when you drifted off to Sleep at Home... and The Man and I took him Home and laid him to Rest in our Pet Cemetary where other Beloved Fur Babies have been interred over the years.  I was Glad that the Vet said we could bury you, we have our own Rituals and Traditions for our Dearly Departed and that was also very Important to us. 
And we can have Closure, since you stayed Strong enough to Work your way back to us to Say Good-Bye... and we will often recall the many Happy Memories and Stories of your time with us... which is your Legacy here at Bohemian Valhalla our Dear Yul... you will be Forever Missed and Eternally Loved. 
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian