Here is the ugly shirt--but the appliques are cute...if you are a child.

I carefully cut around them and arranged them on a brand new hoodie and leggings from Target. I used my machine to sew the pieces onto the hoodie. At first I tried to use a zigzag stitch but that was a disaster that ended with me dragging out the ol' seam ripper and taking it out. I think I do that with every single sewing project: rip the first thing I sew out because I mess up! Once I switched it to a regular stitch it worked really well.
The easiest way to get around all those turns is to leave the needle down into the fabric, lift up the foot on your machine and turn your work. Put the foot back down, sew a little, etc, etc.
For the leggings, I had to hand sew them on because there was no way to turn the work in the machine with such a small area.
Here is the finished project! Super cute!
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