Getting ready for Saturday's festival/art fair at The Crofoot in Pontiac. I can't bring my big board that I usually bring and hang necklaces on. I had to come up with a different way to display them. I looked at the velvet T-bar things but they are $15 a piece and only hold about 10 necklaces or so anyway. I decided to be economical and bought three wire displays. But when I got home and hung some necklaces I discovered they are too short and the necklaces drag! What the heck?!
Dragging! Even if I put them up on a block they would still only hang correctly on the very outside sections. So instead I got 2 boxes, filled them with cans of soup for weight, and taped the wire things to the top. I used a piece of purple bamboo that I'd gotten from Ikea years ago and connected the two and it works. Here is the final mock-up display for Saturday. It will be a 6 foot table so I will have more room than this to display my photographs as well.
I decided to take some of the extra special necklaces and lay them on top of white beans in some of our serving platters.
These brooches were made using recycled and felted sweaters.
Here are some of the new necklaces I made the other night....
This necklace reminds me of coffee so I shot it this way and named it "Sumatra Coffee Necklace" $22
I used beautiful swarovski crystals for these earrings.
I really want to keep this teacup necklace...maybe I will make myself another one after the show.
Teacup Necklace on Brass Chains $24
Teacup Necklace on Brass Chains $24
I am really happy with the product shots lately.
Speaking of product shots, here I am getting my model on. I recently lost quite a bit of weight and have decided to sell my old clothes on ebay. I have 7 for all mankind jeans, Banana Republic pants, a beautiful Dana Buchman sweater, and tons more. If you are around a size 8 or 10 (I even have some 6's) check them out and bid bid bid so I can buy new clothes. ;) Click on the photos to go to the ebay listings.