I had a little bit of time yesterday so I stopped at a park around the corner and took these while we were getting some snowfall. It was really wet snow--almost rain. When I got out to take the photos it was so peaceful and really quiet. I could hear the snow falling and it sounded like, "ting ting ting." It was beautiful and breath taking.
Took this of my daughter the other day. I took some photos of her when she was 2 with really dramatic lighting and I was trying to imitate that.

Some photos I took yesterday while I was trying on some new clothes. I don't care what Tim Gunn says about leggings, I have jumped on the legging train! I love them, as much as heels, boots, wide belts, accessories, jewelry....I could go on and on.
I am the type of artist that needs to draw from life. I just cannot draw right out of my head. I can't visualize it with enough detail to get it on paper. I don't know if it's just due to a bad memory (I suck totally at remembering things) or just how I was wired. I feel sort of funny doing drawings from magazines because those are someone else's vision/creation. So I took some photos of myself in fashion poses and I'm planning on doing sketches/watercolors from those. Unfortunately, the fashion illustration class that was supposed to start tonight got cancelled because they needed ONE more person. I am so bummed....now what were we talking about? I forgot. ;)