Well, I wrestled with whether or not to remain visually anonymous in my Blog *smiles*... but it just didn't seem right to share my Heart, thoughts, passions, stories and snippets of my life and not have a face to go with the name and it all. It seemed too impersonal and I wanted this Blog to be personal, true to who I am and what thoughts swirl around in my head.
Yes, a rather cheesy pix it is, but a proud one and a proud moment for me... I don't usually stand like that in case you were wondering *LOL*, nor do I balance chandeliers on my head *smiles*, the 9 year old Grandson was my photographer and he did a pretty good job of making Gramma look good... you see, I was showing off a long missing waistline after losing over 40 pounds on the Nutrisystem Plan of weight loss... my Goal accomplished and an "after" pix to celebrate and document it! The "before" pix having been SO humiliating and depressing... I didn't even look like the same Woman! I have gained some of the weight back and still working on what regular foods work best for me now that I'm no longer eating pre-packaged Plan foods. It was worth the investment though for the 10 months I was 100% on Plan to get my "old self" back and get healthier and leaner... after hitting my Fifties and Menopause the pounds just seems to pack on at warp speed no matter how active I remained! *sigh* But one cannot eat pre-packaged foods forever, at least not this Gramma... I love REAL foods too much! *wink*
So, now that I've properly introduced myself I feel right about posting a photo and coming clean about who Dawn... The Bohemian is... completely... and not just thoughts on a Page.