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You never really know what will become a sought after collectible in the future if you just gauge it's present day value as the measure of it's future worth and popularity...

Sure I know I'll be dating myself with these flashbacks to the past *wink* but, hey, remember when... Jadeite was given away at gas stations with a fill-up? Carnival Glass was won at... yes, you guessed it... Carnivals!!! When today's desirable Americana Pottery such as Yellow Ware, Crockery, Jugs and Gramma's Old Mixing Bowls were just utilitarian items that very little actual value was placed upon and some of it wasn't even meant to be kept after the contents were gone?!? When Fiesta Ware and Depression Glass were the Poor Man's table Settings because they were made cheaply and affordable during a time when luxury items were out of reach to the average Joe??!
Yes, there are times I'm amazed myself at the items that when I was a child nobody placed much, if any, value upon and today we're scrambling to acquire them and beat other collectors to those coveted pieces for our own collections. Values have soared on those items that are in high demand and popular collectibles of today. So, it makes me wonder... what will be the coveted collectible items of tomorrow? Are they presently abundant in our homes and yet, because we place little value upon them now, we probably won't hold onto them and then we... or our Children and Grandchildren, will kick ourselves for parting with them???!!! Or our decendants will just fall in love in the future with those items that bring cherished memories of their childhoods and bygone days... and be Treasure Hunting and Junquing for them in the future for nostalgic reasons?
So this post is for all those "future" items that will be bringing the thrill of the Hunt to many in the future... Hopefully they'll have as much fun at it as we are having today... and their 'scores' and 'deals' will bring that adrenalin Rush that only a Treasure Hunter and Keeper Of The Past can't live without and thrives upon... Dawn ... The Bohemian