Usually I like to use authentic vintage items in my creations and I do so whenever possible... however... I'm not beyond using vintage inspired pieces to make fun and interesting pieces either... or a mishmash of both... especially if the price is right! *wink* Today was such a 'score'... I had previously noted that 'Target' was carrying a sweet line of Altered Art Jewelry findings called "Vintage Groove" by Jill Schwartz. The line was adorable and had a good selection and I really liked them, so I made a mental note to self... if these ever go on Clearance, I'm all over it! *LOL*
Well, the time had come... I'm in 'Target' today, not at all intending to buy Jewelry findings... when I stroll past the crafts aisle and lo and behold... the collection was on Clearance! So I scooped up a nice variety, including the little booklet with 15 project ideas, and decided this would be a fun project for the Grandkids and I to get involved in together... designing pieces of Altered Art Vintage Inspired Jewelry for Gramma to wear! They always want to help and get involved when I'm making my Jewelry, but with the authentic vintage and antique pieces, its a bit risky to get a four year old and a ten year old involved in the process. So this is perfect, inexpensive vintage inspired supplies where they can get their creative juices flowing, design and practice the craft of Jewelry making while honing their skills and making Gramma some lovely pieces that I'll be proud to wear and enjoy doing a group project in the creative process of making them.
Now usually I have a fun time photographing pieces for my posts, but I must say, cheap cameras + very diminutive objects = many blurry shots and frustrations! *smiles* So out of the 30 or so frames I shot... you're getting various edited versions of about 3 of the close-ups that were even in focus and have it that you could make out a visual on my little pile of supplies! *le sigh* So... the next few weeks will find the Grandkids and I in a Vintage Groove and I hope to be able to show you the fruits of our labor in a future post... stay creative my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian