I really MUST get the collection of books by amazing Gypsy Style designer Jeanne-Bayol. I'd love to own one of her restored Vardos... but I'll have to settle for now with the eye candy of the magical photos. This would be the way I would want to travel, or have the ultimate Art Studio set up... my vision for a future tricked out Home away from Home aligns with this style... it resonates with me... it speaks to my Spirit and my Soul. I was having a lustfest tonight over these beautiful photographs of free Spirited living. *Swoon*
As a child I remember my Parents decorating our Homes with vivid color and Bohemian Style, rich details and lots and lots of Lovelies, a saturation in fact of beauty. We weren't wealthy by any means, in fact we were rather poor and just didn't know it or show it *smiles*, you certainly wouldn't know by our surroundings that my Parents had been ultimate Master creators of the illusions of grandeur on a shoestring budget. I've carried on that legacy... making a lot out of a little and being a savvy gatherer of beautiful objects and repurposed or Salvaged Treasures. I'm passing it along to future generations as well... the Art of living beautifully, creatively and opulently regardless of socioeconomic standing. It can be done, we're living proof of that. Create your visions and always dream big... Dawn... The Bohemian
*All Photos cribbed from Bing Images and Flickr and are images from Jeanne Bayol's Books*