I love October because it means the big churches here have their rummage sales. I stopped at one this morning and picked up 3 colorful skateboards for $2, sterling silver jewelry that I can upcycle for under $1, and a vintage game I can use somehow. So in the spirit of upcycling and recycling I decided to feature some really sweet items from etsy.

Made from recycled yarn!
Crochet Pumpkin House Sculpture $275
from meekssandygirl

Who knew beer bottle labels could be so stylish?
Beer Bead Unisex Cuff Bracelet - Upcycled Beer Labels / Leather / Wood $15
from ElectricPenguin

from additionsstyle

Corpse Bride Costume - Based on Tim Burton movie - Made to Order $399

Bingo Gift Boxes $25
Kork Van Gogh Chair $1600

from jalexstudios
You HAVE to visit their entire shop because they have some amazingly cool stuff here. Seriously--go! Look! What are you waiting for??? But come back here too. ;)
from NottyPooch
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