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I needed a welcome distraction... frustrated with painful hands, that didn't want to work at all to create anything, I was struggling.   So I did some Retail Therapy... hey, it always works for me! *wink*  As you know from previous posts I've been on the lookout for the fabulously weird varieties of Pumpkin, Squash and Gourds so that next year's Pumpkin Patch Project will produce the most wonderful of Harvests for next Season... and we can enjoy the displays and tasty dishes they will provide for this Holiday Season.  Behold the Turban Squash... about as fabulously weird and colorful as you can get I'd imagine... and the name, well, that's pretty exotically Bohemian Fabulous as well don't you think?  It's like a fab vivid fat Orange Pumpkin sitting on it's own funky colorful striped stand!  Can't wait to taste it after we've enjoyed displaying it!   And after finding a Squash with a name like Turban... a very Ali Baba Vibe... wouldn't you know I'd find the most gorgeous butter soft cut Velvet and Metallic fabric Turkish Tapestry Prayer Rug as well at a Thrift Store for only three bucks!  AND a stack of seven Jadeite Green plates for only 75 cents each!!!  The rug and plates are just the right color for this Season... color me Happy!

After my little shopping spree I languished in the Grass at the Park, on a fabulously cooler bright Sunshine Morning and read some more issues of my fav "Stampington" Magazines, which are always inspiring and uplifting.  I was beginning to feel better... and as I lay there I began noticing subtle details more acutely... the beautiful pattern of the bark of the tree I was sitting under, how the light was playing off my bag and bloomers... and finally... looking over at my offending right hand... the one that has been acting up so badly... I suddenly realized that for over 50+ years this hand has done it's work every day without fail, never letting me down... a lot of work in fact... and a lot of creating... cuddling... writing... typing... it has served me well... both hands have in fact.  So I began to quit being angry that over time... over half a Century in fact... they are finally feeling tired and painful, they've been worn out in fact with constant use... what machine could ever have held up as well, been as creative or done as much for over half a Century as these two hands have?!  None... as in not one... and so I'm grateful... and I'll cut them a break... and take good care of them... and be more patient at their new limitations... they've served me well and deserve that much...  Dawn... The Bohemian  

Check out "Show And Tell Friday" at My Romantic Home!