Beginning October 1, the $10 Recreation Passport replaces the state park sticker to get you into all state parks, recreation areas and boat launches. To get your Recreation Passport, just check "YES" on your license plate renewal form. Your $10 also helps preserve forest campgrounds and trails, historic and cultural sites in state parks, and parks in your own community.
Get your Recreation Passport and tell your friends and family to do the same. It's only $10…a good deal for you means a GREAT deal to future generations.
Where can $10 take you?
Visit www.michigan.gov/recreationpassport for more information.
I'm excited to be part of the Passport Perks program! Just $10 can get you into all the parks for one year-truly a bargain. And it also can get you a Lilacpop discount. Go here for the code: Passport Perks. And if you are a Michigan business or etsy seller you can be part of it too by clicking here.