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I always try to find something good and positive even in a bad situation... it helps me better move through it more cheerfully, with the right attitude, positive thoughts and energy,  renewed strength and Grace.  The Man will be in the VA Hospital for a while it seems... not certain yet how long... but visits with him there also give me the opportunity to visit some of my favorite Shops and Friends which are only a few blocks away from the Hospital.  This means great encouragement and stress release for me as we move through this difficult time with his health concerns.  I can enjoy a visit checking in on him and encouraging him... and then stop by for some encouragement and fellowship for myself and look at beautiful things, which always bouys my Spirit.  I don't necessarily mean "retail therapy" in a crisis *winks*, because for me at least, just looking at loveliness can still be enough and deeply satisfying, even without a purchase.  And sharing our trials with Friends divides the burden, because quite often others are also struggling with their own life issues and difficult situations and you end up encouraging and uplifting each other.  Dear Leslie, you always look like a vision and nobody wears Magnolia Pearl Wear better GF *winks*, know that our Prayers are also with you and your Family... stay strong my Friend!!! No matter what we may be going through, there is always beauty that surrounds us each and every day... if we take the time to see it or look for it and take some time out for ourselves to savor it, even briefly.  And I believe this beauty has a positive energy and vibe that we can tap into when we need to... to recharge ourselves in the midst of a bad situation and replace negativity with the healthier alternative.... So, may your days also be filled with encouragement and a healing positive energy whenever you need it... Dawn... The Bohemian   

*All photos shared today were taken at FRILLY FROCKS and SIRENS AND SAINTS... I'm particularly loving the new sturdy Oatmeal colored Linen Magnolia Pearl Bloomers with pockets and delicate Lace trims!*