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Source: JEANNE BAYOL... Jeanne's Decorating and Fashion Styles and extensive restoration and collection of original Gypsy Vardos have mezmerized me for quite some time now, she is truly an inspirational Artist.

Source: GREEN GATE ... If you have never had the privilege of checking out this amazing Retailer, you simply must visit their site... eye candy galore and the Style is so fresh and Beautiful, I want it ALL! *winks*

Source: Stuart McIntyre

Source: Stuart McIntyre ... the Photos say it all, who wouldn't be inspired... I want to vacation HERE... even though I don't even know where HERE IS!?! *LOL*

Source: I wish I could remember, had this saved to favs for a long time now and only know that it was labeled 'Portugal'... if anyone recognizes the Source please let me know so I can give appropriate credit to whoever photographed these beautiful pieces and did it in a way that is so visually appealing!

Source: THE GRAPHICS FAIRY ... Karen is one of the most generous and sharing Bloggers I've ever run across... she is constantly making available the most amazing graphics for all of the Land Of Blog to be inspired by and use in their own projects... adding vintage image downloads every day since 2007!!!  You ROCK Karen, thank you for giving so freely from your resources, it is appreciated beyond words! 

Source: A Step In Faith... this is beautiful imagery of what I imagine Jesus might look like. Having a personal relationship with the Lord has helped me to uncover and release all that He had put inside of me and realize my true Source of all that I am and can be. 

Source: BECOMING LOLA ... Okay, so usually I stay away from Blogs that photograph lots of Beautiful Foods... because it's just too much temptation for this Foodie even though these sites can be very inspirational. *winks*  But when you discover a Blog such as this it had to be an exception to my rule.  Not only does the site offer Beautiful Food Creations, but takes us to some of the most Beautiful of locales in search of them such as the one above... when a Shop looks this delightful you can only imagine the delights you shall find inside!!!

Source: Maryam of ICING DREAMS... Maryam gave me persmission some time ago to show you some of her beautiful confection creations of Mendhi inspired cake decorating and I've been wanting to for some time... alas, I was not able to increase the size more than this so please visit her site on FLICKR to see her amazing culinary and decorating talents!!!  These are by far some of the most beautiful Boheme' decorated confections I've ever witnessed, truly inspirational! I truly Hope one day that Maryam decides to publish a Book showcasing all of her creations because I'll have it on pre-order in a heartbeat! *Smiles*

Yes... I JUST received my pre-ordered copy of this amazing new decorating Book by Fifi O'Neill...
and it is absolutely chock-full of Beauty and Inspiration!!!  I'm glad I didn't have to decide upon which cover to go with... I love both equally and would've been in a quandry! *LOL*  Books have always been a great source of inspiration for me, my Library is extensive and I never tire of looking through each Book no matter how many years I've owned and re-read it! What is your favorite inspirational Book(s)?  I've got decorating Books in languages I don't even understand, but the pictures are worth 1,000 words and transcend language barriers!

Don't you just love to be inspired my Friends?  I do... beautiful images, whether we see them in person or through the eyes of the lens... our own Kodak Moments or someone else's, create virtually endless possibilities and inspiration.  I love coming to the Land Of Blog daily for doses of inspiration.  The shared imagery, stories, creations and ideas keep us inspired don't they?  Through the advances of Technology we can now see a limitless supply of inspiration from the comforts of our Home, just sitting in a comfy chair in front of the computer.  Growing up I could never have imagined such things as I am now enjoying daily so I don't take any of it for granted... I savor it... I appreciate it... I am grateful for it... and for all of you too!

What images have inspired you lately my Friends?
Keep inspired... Dawn... The Bohemian 