The movie stars George Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Marisa Tomei, Even Rachel Wood, Paul Giamatti, Philip Seymore Hoffman, and of course, George Clooney. Clooney is also directing. The synopsis on imdb is "An idealistic staffer for a newbie presidential candidate gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail. Based on the play by Beau Willimon." Politics, drama, an has oscar written all over it! Just sayin'.

There are two elementary schools located right near the location and as soon as school let out hoards of people came to watch them shoot.

Ryan Gosling and Even Rachel Wood.

There they are with their stand in's.

After they shot the scene with the car, Clooney walked over (right towards where I was standing!) into the lane of traffic that was closed off to plan the next shot.

Listening to talk amongst the crowd was hilarious. All the moms gushing about George, obnoxious dudes on their cell phones talking when we were asked to be quiet, and a very rude lady who said in a nasally voice, "Well, the least he could do is stop and wave at us!" As if he wasn't WORKING and was there for everyone's entertainment.

And I have some exciting news! I got called to be an extra in the movie tomorrow! It's for a funeral scene with the possibility of being a reporter or a video camera operator. I am bringing many costume changes with me just in case. I'm so excited. I will keep ya posted on how it turns out!