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Anytime I want to indulge my Romantic, Shabbily Chic side I know I can find abundant eye candy of that genre at MELROSE VINTAGE.

It not only has everything Girly... and delightfully Vintage... and fabulously Architectural Salvage... but everything Crafty too... their Crafting Supplies and Fabrics are jaw dropping, if you can't find it here it probably can't be had.


Custom Upholstered Furniture abounds...

All luxuriously squishy and comfortable to sink into...

And a great selection of Vintage Lighting and Chandies.

Mirrors, Frames and Old Art...

And honestly, I just went for a look... and to Photograph the Shop for a Christmas Post so that some of your Wish List Items might be checked off if you knew where to find it locally.

But there was a SALE going on the day I arrived... a really deep discounted Sale on some of the items I had been lusting over at this Shop for quite some time now.

And as you already know from a previous Post... I 'scored' my Gifts to Self right here... even though initially my intention was not to do my Christmas Shopping just then. *Winks*

And even the items I didn't buy were really eye catching... since they carry the lines of Cath Kidston and Rachel Ashwell, among other fav Stylists and Designers of mine.

And they have an abundance of the Chippy, the Shabby, Aged to Perfection pieces that I adore!!!

In the most perfect hues...

Along with loads of practical items in fabrics and prints that are Beautiful, Stylish and Fun.

The Bedroom Vignettes are so Inviting that I could just lie down and take a nap... or curl up with a good book right there on the Sales Floor! *Winks*

And stately Columns and gorgeous Chandies always make for a luxurious, grandoise statement in any room.

But it isn't just the big pieces that catch my eye... there are plenty of smalls that are just as interesting and intriguing.

And the finishes on many of the pieces are Ideal and in Color Palettes that appeal to me... from the Jewel Tones...

To the Metallics... Golden, Gilded, Bronzed, Coppery Tones...

Sage and Sepia Rustic hues...

And all shades of White... and delicate Pastels for the Romantic Heart.  And even though I don't decorate in Pastels so much, and have never been able to go all White successfully, I really do enjoy them outside of my own Home.

And naturally when I saw MY BOTTLES marked down almost 80% I staggered... and scooped up the three favorites that I was Gifting to Myself this Christmas. *Winks*  I'm so good to Me! *LOL* 

And The Man didn't mind, he was happy that I found just what I wanted, at a huge savings, and he didn't have to Shop for it during this busy time of year when everyone and their Grandmother is out Shopping!  Because though I LOVE to Shop... he doesn't. *Smiles*  So we're ying and yang that way.

And for those of you who are Fabric Nuts like me, well, this Shop's Samples that they can create Divine Custom order pieces for you will make your head spin!!!

Because every fabulous Fabric comes in a multitude of lucious shades of the Rainbow!!!  These last two Images were just all the shades ONE type of fab Lace Fabric I Loved came in... I would absolutely be spoiled for choice!!!  And the Products the Fabric could be utilized in Creating... just as many options... OMG... my pulse was racing!!!

Being surrounded by Lovely Vignettes, amazing Fabrics, Found Treasures, Art/Craft Supplies and Salvage... well... it was Bohemian Valhalla for moi!!!

AND in January they will be Hosting a Soldering Class to Create Altered Art Bottles... so I'll be all over that... I've already got my perfect Old Bottle and a ton of Ideas of what I can't wait to learn to Create!!!  I'll give Details when I know more specifics about the Class...

I've always wanted to learn to solder, but I wanted to wait for when a Class was offered that would be Creating something I actually wanted to make before Investing in the Class & Supplies.

There is a very good chance that I will become obsessed with Altered Art Bottle Creating once I receive the training and mentoring... *Winks*  I'm very OCD that way about the Creative Process you know... One is never enough and too many is just enough!

Their beds there, even unmade, look so Beautiful and Relaxing... so tempting to curl up in... I wonder how many Shoppers end up not being able to resist the Temptation? *LOL*

I can tell you it was hard for me to resist... I was touching everything because they feel as wonderful against the skin as they look...

And the Children's Room Bedroom Vignettes... I could just imagine Princess T having a Bedroom fit for a Princess... well, if she wasn't sharing one with her big Brother that is. *Smiles*

But so far we have no 'takers' in moving into the "Haunted" Guest Bedroom... so it's still Gramma's Sanctuary Escape when I don't want to be bothered. *LOL*  Since I still have The Son in my Studio Cottage... deeply entrenched...

And wouldn't a Bed and Bedroom look positively Divine in these Romantic Fabrics... The Man would tolerate them, but he's a lot more comfortable with my Jewel Tone Bohemian Antique Velvets, so this is probably not going to be the Look of Our Room anytime soon. *Smiles*

So we'll stick with this {above pix is of our Bed as it looks today}... and I'm totally okay with that... it's more "Me" anyway...

But I could probably go with something like this... they had a great selection of the Exotic and the Boheme' as well...

And touches of Beach Cottage Chic... which always makes me want to go out and buy a Beach Cottage to decorate in this Style... well, if we win the Lottery that is... and didn't live in a Desert, where there's plenty of Beach, but no Ocean... *Winks*  Okay... so forget about the Beach Cottage for now...

But... I'm just sayin'... wouldn't this sweet Chandie look Lovely in a Beach Cottage... with those fabulous Turquoise Teardrop Crystals?!?

And these great Accessories filled with Seashells?

Okay... so maybe I CAN'T forget about the Beach Cottage just yet... it is the Stuff Dreams are made of... your very own Cottage on the Beach... and lets make mine in Bora Bora if we're going to be Fantasizing... because my Fantasies are always Grandoise to the extreme! *LOL*

And since we're Dreaming Together this Post... well, I'll set up one Guest Room in the Beach Cottage... which really won't be Cottage sized at all since it's a Dream *winks*... in a Romantic Style and Palette just for those of you who REALLY dig that Style okay?

In fact, we'll have so many different Styled Rooms in this Beach Cottage that it will be ridiculous... and everyone's Style and Tastes will be satisfied and represented... *Smiles*

From the Frenchy Romantic...

To the Funky Fun Romantic... *Winks*

And the Shabulous of coarse... there are many of you ultra Romantic Shabby Chickies out there, so this room will always be filled with Guests! *Smiles*

And we'll have loads of Mannequins to Dress Up and Style...

Isn't this Pretending at MELROSE VINTAGE Fun?

And hey, if we go in at least pairs... then one of us can stand lookout while the other one caves in to the Temptation to languish in one of those lucious beds for a moment, just to see how it feels???!!! *Winks*  Okay, so you don't want to get bounced from a fav Shop... I understand... *long drawn out sigh*

And it's probably good that you will keep me reeled in from acting upon my impulses... and with reckless abandon... *LOL*

We'll still have loads of Fun...

And I'm pretty sure you'll be doing some Christmas Shopping at MELROSE VINTAGE.

I just Hope you remembered to bring the big Truck or the U-Haul?

I think we might need it...

And a couple of Stud Muffin Cabana Boys from the Beach to help us load!!! *Winks*

And then after our Dream Shopping Spree... we'll languish on the Dream Beach sipping Tropical Drinks with little Umbrellas outside of our Dream Beach Cottage...

And we'll make our own Reality... *Smiles*

Always Dreaming Big from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
