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Today was the first day of this Month's SWEET SALVAGE "Home Sweet Home" Event.

I intended to get there early to take photos of the lovely pristine vignettes before the crowds descended upon the Shop... alas, I barely made it in time for the opening... I find it so hard to roll out of bed early after working late.  But the first item I 'scored' when I walked through the doors was this Altered Art Bottle... Love it!!!

But, due to my weariness this Morning, my photos don't really do any of the Event justice... I started the day too fatigued & not up to jostling with lots of eager shoppers for my photo ops...

And I didn't get my second wind until much later in the day while the BFF Tina and I did the Melrose Crawl Event up and down 7th Avenue until well into the Evening.

However, trust me that the SWEET SALVAGE Team outdid themselves yet again with an amazing Event and superb displays of the many Treasures offered.  It was an enjoyable time and we 'scored' some great pieces to feather our nests.  

I was very tempted to pick up the European Oval License Plate at the top of this photo... but I hesitated and walked away to consider it... and you know the old saying of he who hesitates is lost... yep, some other lucky Shopper who didn't hesitate is now the proud owner. *Winks*

But there was loads of Inspiration and eye candy...

And I did 'score' this lovely Necklace Creation.  I wonder how many folks will call me Brandy and assume that's my Name when I'm wearing this?  I'll let ya know... *LOL*

And the "Sweet" Staff are always ready to assist and demonstrate the products... I was wondering how The Man might like this fab Club Chair Recliner... and get a Male perspective on the comfort of it...
As you can see the demonstration gave Testimony to how very comfortable and happy a Guy would be in this chair! *Smiles*  I would much prefer it over The Man's current Recliner... wonder how convincing I could be to get him to Swap and if he could envision himself looking this content in it? *Winks*

There were so many wonderful pieces that would make your Nest a Home Sweet Home...

And the personalities of each Stylist was evident in the various vignettes... so many different Styles to choose from.

I also 'scored' this cool Vintage Tape Measure on the Left.  I measure a lot of things and now it can be done in true Vintage Style... *Smiles*

There were lots of great products for Gift Giving just in time for Christmas.

And I was Loving the Bathroom Vignettes and Creative ideas for the perfect Home Spa... the Galvanized Tub Towel Holder & Industrial Salvage Lighting are awesome!

I will be stealing  ... ummmm ... I mean borrowing this great idea of utilizing an oversized Shell Collection to hold fresh Lavender, Sea Treasures and Jewelry... smells good & looks good.

I've really been obsessed lately with Numbers on things... and though I didn't get this great #7 Vintage Basket... I did 'score' a couple of Vintage Numbers to use on some of my Burlap Christmas Stocking Creations... as well as the Altered Art Bottle with Number Tag.

There were lots of Old Bottles with Vintage Numbers to choose from and I really like this Simple idea.

And if you're into great Vintage Signage there was an abundance of that too... but they were going fast and many already had the Yellow "Sold" Tags attached... so I wouldn't delay in getting to the Event if I were you.

I Loved this Vintage Old Hollywood Glam Style Robe and those great layered Lace Curtains.

And there were lots of New Year's touches for your Home Sweet Home as well... to Celebrate and Usher in the New Year of 2012 in Style. 

Check out this great Creative Idea of a New Year's Inspired Christmas Tree... LOVE IT!!!

Here's a shot of the entire Tree... it rotates... has a Wine Cork filled Tree Topper and the Ornamentation is full of Wine Glasses, Corks & New Year's Inspired decorations... you can purchase the completely decorated Tree... so if you haven't yet decided upon this Season's Christmas Tree or Display... just sayin... *Winks*

I fell in Love with this Sweet little Charlie Brown Tree and thought it was real, even while touching it and examining it up close... it's not and would be a great little faux Tree addition to a Simple Rustic or Sage & Sepia Christmas Style Theme... I was really tempted... but wouldn't have had any place to put it to showcase it properly.  

There was lots of Sparkle for the New Year...

And Lighting galore... I ADORED this killer Chandie... alas, SOLD... *Le Sigh*

Sometimes trying to get the perfect photo ops means you might not get to all the Treasures in time to 'score' them... see what I sacrifice to bring you the visuals!!! *LOL*  Actually its just as well I'm preoccupied with the Photography part of capturing an Event because it curbs my spending... well... somewhat... *Winks*

I confess that though I didn't purchase any big ticket items this Month... I did 'score' enough small ticket items that they added up...  however, at great Deals and so I feel totally justified. *Smiles*

But seriously, how could you NOT find something you would want to take to your Home Sweet Home when you behold a scene like this??!?!???  I just don't have that much restraint in me peeps... *LOL*

But there is always that ONE piece that you really lament not getting to first... for me, this time around, it was this fabulous Vintage Metal Madonna!!!  When I laid eyes on Her my Heart fairly skipped and beat and I eagerly snatched Her up...  only to discover the word SOLD on her tag! *Pouting Petulantly*

In fact I Loved Her so much that I Photographed her several times... moving her around... because if I couldn't have Her at the very least I was capturing and taking Home some great Images of Her! *Winks*  I REALLY, REALLY wanted Her... she was most definitely "The One That Got Away" during this Event for me! *Sob* 

But it's always Fun and Uplifting to meet Blog Friends in person... and at several of these SWEET SALVAGE Events I have had the Pleasure of meeting and getting to know my Blog Friend Judy of MY ARTISTIC SIDE Blog better.  Today at the Event she suggested we have our Photo taken together... and I'm only Hoping I don't look quite so fatigued and chubby in Judy's Photo??? *Gasp!*  So Judy... if yours turned out better... loan it to me to replace this one okay GF! *LOL*  You look great my Friend... me, not so much... *Smiles*  It was just WAYYYYYYYYYYY too early for me... I'm SO NOT a Morning Person peeps... but come the Evening...

I feel like a totally different person and definitely get my 2nd Wind... and a little "Retail Therapy" is always a pick-me-up!!! *Winks*...  Yes, I'm more a Night Owl and so doing The Melrose Crawl until we closed down all the Shops was more my speed than the early wake-up call to make it for the Openings... *Smiles*

But I must say... no matter how tired I feel... trawling for Found Treasures and the adrenalin Rush of the Thrill Of The Hunt always gets my motor started... no matter how stalled or slow I am out the gate... *Winks*

And Time literally does two amazing things during a Fun filled day of Treasure Hunting and Junquing... It Stands Still as you rummage through piles of Treasures...

And it simultaneously Rushes by as  you Shop and Visit with Friends... a real anomaly! 

Because before we knew it... the day was more than half over and it was already getting late...

We had gone up and down 7th Avenue to all of our fav Shops... visited with our Friends... and had lunch at TWO OLD HIPPIES, where they have the best Home-Made Bread Pudding Slabs EVER and serve Breakfast all day!!!  And yes, I ate the whole thing!!! *Smiles*  And before we knew it... well... it was time to rush back to SWEET SALVAGE  and retreive our Treasures before Closing!  Just look at a couple of other 'scores' I got... and these were my favorite finds... two large Old Canvas Maps of Paris!!!  I got areas 12 and 13... and I just Love the Patina on these...

Well my Friends... I began the day fatigued and am ending a very Full and Satisfying day quite tired and yet Content... and since I've got an early wake-up call for Work tomorrow this will be it for installment #1 of the Event... come back tomorrow for Part II...

Dawn... The Bohemian
