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One thing I never tire of is Fashion... Clothing, Accessories and Bags are so much fun to Shop for.  And even though I'm not the size I'd like to be and have set as a Goal to be, I don't let that deter me from having a Wardrobe that I adore.  Granted, if you're a Real Girl size you can't always find the most Fashionable Styles that you adore in your size, but I've learned to get the best anchor pieces I can find in my size and mix and match them with Thrift Store Scores that compliment the Styles I want to wear.

I'm not one to be trendy, I wear what I Love whether it's "in" or "out" or considered Avant-Garde... to me Bohemian Styling is all about wearing what speaks to your individual Style, personality and sensibilities regardless of popular opinion or what anyone else may critique or think about it.  I'm inclined to prefer OOAK pieces that were made by individual Artists or Stylists over mass marketed pieces made in Factories... I'm no Fashion Snob by any means, a popular Label means nothing to me... but if I Love an Artist or Designer's Work I could become a loyal customer.  But it won't mean I'll buy just anything or everything they have in their Line just because it's got their Name and Label, if it's not for me then I don't care who made it, I'll pass until I see something I really like or is made of the materials and Styling I prefer. And quality and detail is EVERYTHING to me, if either starts going downhill on a product or Line and is being compromised, I'd rather spend my money on whoever is still staying true to producing quality pieces with attention to detail and not relying on a well recognized Label to now sell the products.  If a piece is expensive then I do have higher expectations than if I paid a modest sum... if I paid a lot I don't expect it to fall apart.  But I do expect to pay more than an off the rack chain store mass produced Wardrobe, because in most cases, you usually do get what you pay for.  And since I'm supplementing those more expensive anchor pieces I've had to save up for, with Thrift Store Bargain Scores bought for a pittance, the bottom line can still affordable and your Dream Wardrobe can slowly built over time.  

Oddly, though I have great difficulty letting go of my Collections, Bling and Decor items, I've never had that problem with Wardrobe and most Fashion accessories.  When I cull my Closets and Drawers of wearables I can be pretty thorough and not at all sentimental.  Wish I could tap into why that is so that I could apply that same principal to other things I need to edit and cull! *Smiles*  It would make Spring Cleaning so much more thorough and an easier process.  I can go through Clothes, Shoes and Accessories quickly and with virtually no attachment when I'm ready to let go of what I don't want to wear anymore or doesn't fit properly.  With the stuff I get attached to in some strange way it's a much more laborous and emotional process.  Guess I'm just not that emotional about Fashion even though I enjoy it thoroughly.  Though there are anchor pieces in my Wardrobe that I've had for over a decade too, because if I still Love wearing it and it still fits, then I'll hang onto it whether it's still considered in Fashion or not.  My Kids & G-Kids like to joke that I'm very much stuck in the Hippie Era, not a bad place to remain if you're a Free Spirited individual who dresses to please yourself. *Winks*  I just wish I'd held onto some of my Vintage 60's ensembles because they could fetch a good price now that the present generation is appreciating that era and some of it is back in Style. *LOL*  My Bohemian Mom always did say that if you held onto something long enough it eventually comes back around into Style... after all, nobody is inventing the wheel anymore and is usually inspired by something or somebody in the Past, just putting their own spin on it. 

So, because there is always Fashionable Fun on 7th Avenue in the Melrose District at fav Shops like FRILLY FROCKS, SIRENS & SAINTS and RUST & ROSES, if I need a "Fashion Fix" I know just where to go. *Winks*  Quite often the G-Son is in tow, Fashion interests him and he's got a good eye for Styling and considerable knowledge for a Child about Designers he thinks design Clothing that make Women look Beautiful and confident.  The upside to taking him is that he's a good sport about holding fav items for me to photograph without wanting any of it since he's a Boy... he can appreciate it, know that a Girl will look good in it, and not then insist on going clothing shopping for himself. *whew*  Whereas Princess T, well, when it comes to Fashion, she doesn't just want to look at or hold it... she wants to go shopping for more to fill her own closets, Fashionista that she is already at the tender age of six! *LOL*  She's insatiable when it comes to Clothes, Shoes and Accessories... just like her Mother was as a Child, well, and still is actually, they both are High Maintenance type of Gals... so you have to exercise caution any time you took those two out "looking at" Fashionable Fun!  At least for me most of what I adore doesn't fit so that eliminates a lot of temptation *Winks*... whereas my Daughter and Grand-Daughter are both tall and slender so EVERYTHING they try on looks good on them and they could easily be talked into purchasing! *LOL*  Okay, so they don't even have to be talked into it really... once they've tried it on and admired themselves in it... they think they gotta have it... ALL!!!!! *Smiles*  Maybe its good that I'm no longer a single digit size... I could probably be just like them, huh? *Winks*

May you also have tons of Fashionable Fun in 2012 my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian
