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I can become very conflicted at the changing of the Seasons... you see, I enjoy them ALL!  There's something about each one that appeals to me and so letting go of or extending the passing Season and having the Fever for the upcoming Season leaves me somewhat indecisive and in limbo...  I'm already craving Spring Visuals... Yes, I've already got Spring Fever! *LOL*

Because Spring always evokes a sense of rebirth and renewal... of decorating with Bright Happy Colors or Sweet Pastels and Whites... lightening up from the Warm tones of Autumn & Winter I've used, which I adore, but which I'll probably use less of as Spring & Summer approaches. 

Florals of every type will show up again in my Decorating because I can hardly think of Spring without thinking of Flowers and Nature waking up and showing out in all it's Magnificence!

Lace will replace heavier Fabrics and Picnics in the Park and long walks will be on my mind... before the fierce Desert Heat makes a comeback... and it does early, so there's no time to waste!

I'll look for and dig out the most Colorful Bohemian Bling to adorn everything, including myself with...

And I know I'll gravitate to Visual Blog Fodder that evokes a sense of Springtime... Bright, Cheerful Images and Furniture painted in Springlike hues that appeal to me...

And yet... I'll also be the one that has trouble letting go of and putting away Christmas! *Winks*  And so Christmas is still up in our House... and I even added a few touches that I recently 'scored'...

Because in fact, I'm STILL enjoying the ambiance of the Christmas Decor around the Bohemian Valhalla Residence... and so is the rest of the Clan.  We enjoy gathering in the Livingroom with just the twinkling Christmas Lights on in the Evenings.  And the Thrifts now are hawking an abundance of After-Seasonal Decor that was donated after the Holidays were over.  The little Spiral Glittered Wire Trees & Sparkly Beaded Pinecones were a Goodwill Hunting 'score'... a large bag of them for less than two bucks!

And so I hung them on the Tree... why not?  They lended themselves so well to this Season's Theme and Palette.

And I'm Extending Christmas just a wee bit longer... at least the Visuals of it... and there's no hurries or worries about putting it away... I'll know when it's Time... and will enjoy the Process of Storing what will be packed away... and finding new placement around the House for what Salvaged Items used as Decorations will remain in other Vignettes throughout the Year.

Or I'll wear the Bohemian Jewelry & Accessories that I utilized as Decorations... after all, this was a Repurposed Salvage Christmas that took no time or great effort to put up and will take no time or effort to take down.

Yes, I confess, that's a part of why I extend things sometimes, I'm very laissez-faire about stuff... and being Conventional is just not my Thing... I let things alone and let them pass at whatever speed feels right to me... and if I'm not feeling it I don't do it. *LOL*

And so the Images of Christmas and Springtime will blur a bit for a while... as our Spring Bulbs start to spring forth on the Porch and the Tinsel Peace Sign Wreath is still hanging on the Front Door. *Smiles*

But not to worry my Friends... here in my Blog World I shall now put Christmas to rest... and move forward to the Images that will Inspire you for Spring... for Construction Projects you might be planning or Dreaming of...

Of Fabrics that will bring Springtime Freshness to Life as they upholster our furnishings or be used in various ways throughout our Homes, Studios or Showrooms...

Of the Lighting that will scream, "Spring is coming or Spring is finally here!"

And though we're spoiled here in the Arizona Desert where our Fall and Winters are not really bad and Tourists actually flock here to get away from where it is fierce... we look forward to Spring too...
And all the Beauty and possibility that the Season holds...

Dawn... The Bohemian

*Today's Images were taken at Our Home, Sweet Salvage, Melrose Vintage, or Rust & Roses*

It's Spring fever.  That is what the name of it is.  And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!  ~ Mark Twain

Springtime is the land awakening.  The March winds are the morning yawn.  ~ Lewis Grizzard
