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While the Young Prince was away at Church Summer Camp all Week Princess T and I were SUPPOSED to be able to go out together and have 'Girl Fun'... just the two of us... at least that had been the Grand Plan we had eagerly anticipated...

But she had gotten quite sick and had to be at Doctor's Appointments and taking a strict regimen of Medicines several times a day again and so that had nixed our Grand Plan.  As she wasn't up to any Fun and needed to just rest & recuperate... which, Thankfully, the Princess is good about doing so that she can Be Well again ASAP!  It has been one of the Strengths she had to develop early on from having Health Issues since Birth and so now she's quite the Veteran at Recuperation & Bouncing Back Bless her Heart!

And since the Young Prince will be back Tomorrow by Noon and Tomorrow will also be The Son's 26th Birthday... this was the only day we had left for it to be all about us... and so she was chomping at the bit to have our 'Girl's Fun Day' together now that she was done taking her Medication and got a clean bill of Health from her Doctor. *Smiles*

After all, Grandpa and her Grand-Uncle will be leaving for Utah Tonight... {Thankfully yes, The Man's Oldest Brother will be his Traveling Companion as they make Plans to attend our Nephew's Funeral & split Costs, and so now I have more of a Peace about them making the Trip by Car since Airfare was in the Stratosphere and totally out of our Budget...} 

And so even though it was Hotter than the Surface Of The Sun here in the Valley Of The Sun Today... I agreed that yes, we'd have our Promised 'Girl's Fun' Day Out Together since this would be our last chance... 

After all, you don't have to threaten me with a Good Time!!! *Winks*  And so I allowed the Princess to Plan the Itinerary for the Day... and Naturally she wanted to visit Miss Shelly's over at RUST & ROSES since they will be Closing for the Summer on Saturday and that would be the Princess's last chance of Summer Vacation to Pretend that the RUST & ROSES Mobile Gypsy Manse was her very own!  *LOL ~ Well, I'll be Honest, we BOTH Pretend & unanimously have that Fantasy!!!  Smiles* The G-Kid Force can hardly wait for Gramma to get her Gypsy Waggon too, Wanderers that we all are... it's in our Bloodline to be Travelers and Nomads!!!

And we hadn't been there very long when Crooky realized the Princess was in the House... *Winks*... I think there is mutual Adoration there... Crookshank usually hides when Adults are Shopping... but bring the G-Kid Force there and he materializes instantly and comes for some Lovin' and to say Hi!!!  *Smiles*

In fact he crept up on her... what a Pleasant Surprise!!!

And he said Hi to her Baby too...

And while this Lovefest between them all went on Gramma was 'scoring' a few inexpensive Treasures... remember the BIG SALE is going on to empty the Shop so that when Shelly gets back from Pickin' up North, it will be all Fresh Inventory and Styling for the Grand Re-Opening!!!  So I was on an Art Quest... and I just Love the Old unframed Paint-By-Number Art... so I got these two for a Dollar apiece...

And the much larger one for Two Dollars... *Color me Happy!!!*

And the Ultimate 'score' was getting this Vintage Framed Print that I've been Jonesin' for and Lustfully Photographing for quite some time... for 30% off!!!  *Whoo Hoo!!!*  Sorry for the Glare from my Flash... it looks way better in person... and the Gesso Frame is Awesome too... the Print matches an Antique Jewelry Box's Painting Perfectly that I have!   They could even be by the same Artist?

See... here's my Antique Jewelry Box... the Vase of Cabbage Roses looks virtually identical even though the rest of the Painting is different...

So I was totally Jazzed to procure the Framed Wall Print at a Bargain since it will look great with my Jewelry Box... {I'm having such Issues with Flash Glare today... and my Cheap Camera just doesn't do well with no Flash... Sorry}

And The Goose seemed as Hot and Weary as I was becoming... even though we were having a Grand Time... the Princess had dragged me through the Desert Botanical Gardens for hours FIRST you see... before Shopping... she's no Fool, she knew if I Shopped 1st I might not have the Energy or Desire for the Gardens in 110+ degree heat... but Shopping... I tend to get a 2nd Wind... *Winks*

And after all... on a previous visit to RUST & ROSES I had 'scored' my Gypsy Umbrella from my Friend Angela's Booth... so we did bring our own Gypsyfied Stylish Shade to the Gardens!  *Winks*

I have a Collection of Stylish & Antique Umbrellas in fact... {You're not Surprised are you?! Winks}

And these Gypsy Style Umbrellas look so Wonderful en masse don't you think?  So I'd Love to eventually get some more for Styling Purposes as well as Shade or to keep Dry! *LOL*

And even though I used Amazing Restraint due to Budget constraints... there was a lot to Love at the Sale... with a Lottery Win I wouldda picked up ever so much more!  *LOL*

Why is it that any time there is a beyond Amazing Sale with a Motherlode of Treasures deeply Discounted I tend to be too broke and cannot indulge?!? *Le Sigh*

Because I TOTALLY would have picked up this Vintage European Bottle Rack...

And I bet you've seen a few Treasures you would have picked up too, huh?!  *Winks*  I mean, SALE and Found Treasures together... absolute Bohemian Junquing Valhalla I tell you!!!

But even though I really couldn't buy much, the Princess and I indulged ourselves in Visual Fantasies anyway... what we WOULD get and do... if we could spare no expense...

Do you ever Play that Game too... the If I Could Spare No Expense Fantasy... and just Pretend that Money was no object?!?

Come on, don't be Shy... we KNOW you DO... and your Secret's Safe with us... 

After all... we're Kindred Spirits here aren't we... and that's why you JUST HAPPEN to be dropping by aren't you?  *Winks*  To Indulge your Visual Fantasies too...

And 'Virtually' have a Swoonfest of Epic Proportions from the Privacy of your own Home... or whatever other newfound Gadgets you happen to be able to cart around with you when you're not at Home, so you won't miss a single Blog you enjoy... *Smiles*  Loving that this Adorable Antique Boudoir Doll is in a Falling Out Swoon!  *LOL*  I do that... *Winks*

ESPECIALLY when I behold Fabulous OLD DOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *Swooning as we speak!  Quick... break out the Smelling Salts... it wasn't just the Heat that was making me dizzy!  Winks*  Old Doors Aged to Perfection ON SALE even... *Double Swoon... pick me up off the Floor!!!*

And Italian Tole EVERYWHERE too... Chandies and Lamps and Sconces... oh, my!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I don't know if your Name is Jane... but, SEE, SEE, SEE... OH, SEE?!?!??!???  *LOL*

Yeah, we are all Jumping up and down with Visual Delight!!!  *Smiles*

And doesn't Puff look like a Baby version of Crooky?


Puff... an uncanny striking Resemblance I'd say... I betcha Crooky was a Model back in the day?!? *Winks*  No wonder Crooky has such Attitude like a Runway Super Model Diva would... *LOL*

Now all we hafta do is figure out who Spot REALLY is?!?  'Cause you know that was probably his Stage Name too?!?  *Winks*

And we'll just Wander a tad bit more before I take you along to the Gardens with us... First things Last and all... *Winks*

Because hey, you know that if we'd tried to take you in Sequence and told you it was over 110 degrees and we wanted you to go traipsing around the Desert Gardens with us for Hours you would have given us one of these faces, wouldn't you?!? 

Well... wouldn't you!???!?????!!!!  *Winks* 

Because yeah, it was kinda Crazy... but that's how we Roll... spontaneous and Crazy... each day being a New Adventure... a Grand Adventure... and when you're Living in the Desert... well, you get used to the Heat... 'cause anything over 100 is equally Hot!  *Smiles*

And so we knew we'd have to Entice you 1st with a Shopping Spree... Lure you in and get you on an Adrenalin Visual High before Springing the Garden Adventure on you...  *Smiles*  And we looked so harmless like a couple of Kittens didn't we?  *Insert Evil Cackle*  BTW: I'm the one on the Right... Princess T is the one on the Left...  *Winks*  Cunning Felines we are...

So, grab yourselves an Umbrella... and enough Water to weigh down a Camel...

No... No... you can't sit this one out... not now...

It'll be FUN... we Promise!!!

HOT, yes, but FUN... and Princess T wasn't taking No for an Answer... so we have no Choice or Excuses that will Fly...  *LOL*

The only thing more Tenacious than me is a 6-year Old Version of me *LOL*... in the form of the Beast Princess... who had to stay in Recuperating all week, Patiently in Hopes of doing something like this with us when she got better...

And she's definitely better... and good for another 100,000 miles or so it seems...

And hey, if I'm going to spontaneously combust out there... I'm taking some peeps with me!!!  *Smiles*

Yeah, say your Prayers first because this was one HOT Hike around the Gardens coming up... FUN... but HOT!!!  And to Entice me further she told me it would be just like being in the Sauna I Love so much at the Gym... that Kid, she has all the Lines doesn't she?!?  *LOL*  And, she was Right... it WAS!!!  *Whew!*

But oh so much more Beautiful than the Sauna at the Gym...

And lots of Lovely Shady Spots to sit down and Rest along the Paths...

And Princess T's Umbrella TOTALLY had to Color Coordinate and Match her Ensemble... very OCD like that she is...  she IS her Mother's Child!!!  *Winks*

Admit it... you're kinda Glad we talked you into this and you came, aren't you?  It WAS a Good Idea, wasn't it Gramma?!?  {Insert me nodding head in Agreement and yet not quite Feelin' it... LOL}

Sure, it's EASY for you to nod your head in Agreement because you're only doing it VIRTUALLY... probably sitting in some nice Cool Room in front of your Computer Screen in some place like Minnesota or Norway... *LOL*... you're not this sweaty Hot Mess that I felt like... whilst Pretending to Agree that, Yes, this IS a Great Idea my Princess!!!  {Am I going to Hell for that White Lie I wonder?  Well... it couldn't be much HOTTER... so... Whatever... LOL}

But I must say, we did see some pretty Awesome sights... because when it's this damn Hot, the Wildlife could really care less how close you get & when they see you, seem to silently say Whatever... as well...

In fact this poor panting Mother Cactus Wren diligently tending to her Nest of Little Ones seemed to be Telepathecally telling me... "Hey, you think you got it rough taking your Young Un out for a few Hours in this Heat... well... try sitting with 'em all day, day after day, 24-7 out here!!!"  *Winks*

In the middle of a Jumping Cholla Cactus no less!!!!!  Okay, so I'm totally Luckier than her... and so I quit my Whining by then... totally Convicted that other Caregivers have it WAY worse in the midst of the fierce Arizona Summers...   Thank You for putting that all in Perspective Mother Cactus Wren!

After all... it WAS Beautiful... and Nature Lovers that we are, no type of inclement weather has ever deterred us from being out in Mother Nature and enjoying her Splendor!

And I'd Endure anything just to watch my Little Princess' Face Light Up like it was this Day... she was having the time of her Life & not one complaint about how Hot it was!!!  In fact, we practically had the whole place to ourselves, God I wonder WHY?!!? *Winks*  Anyway, she was pretty Jazzed about that too... Pretending it was our own Private Garden & Tour!

"This is way better than being sick...", she says as she diligently & Happily pounds Sweet Mesquite Bean Flour {her fav activity at the Gardens}... and I'd have to agree... Good Health is a Blessing above all others... it makes everything else so much easier and possible...

And seeing her when she's feeling Well brings me so much Joy and Gratefulness... and Thankful of these times we get to spend together having 'Girl's Fun'...

Because this is a Little Precious One whose Endured a lot in her 6 years and already beaten tremendous odds with Health Issues since Birth... and never complains even when she has to have Treatments that certainly aren't any Fun...

And if she wants to go out on a sweltering Hot day and Marvel at such things as the Trees that grow gossamer cotton-like cloud puffs... I'm Happy to tag along and Marvel too... 

And Journey Together along Beautiful Meandering Paths... Forgetting about anything that might have come against us... or is still coming against us... and just Enjoying Life in the Moment...

Making Discoveries... and just Enjoying Everything that is Good about it...

Beautiful about it...

Interesting about it...

Inspirational about it... {Love Gardens of Native Produce...}

Appreciating what makes our part of the World Unique and Distinctive... Now...

And in the Past... {This is us looking out from inside a Western Apache Structure...}

Yes, in hindsight, this WAS a Good Idea Princess T... for so many reasons outside of the Heat... from enjoying Cat-Tails...

To a Desert Grasslands... rolling with Cloud-like Seeds ready to take Flight again at the first puff of Wind... and Thank You for Coming Along my Friends...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
