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With the massive amounts of Crisis & Sorrows our Family has been going through for the past few months it's probably no surprise I've turned to Retail Therapy on occassion as my coping mechanism.  Yeah, I know I shouldn't & yada-yada-yada... but, it's still cheaper than actual Therapy, which I couldn't afford anyway.  So Junquing is the broke, underinsured Gal's alternative to unaffordable healthcare.  *LOL*   I'd likely need tons of Couch Time to tell the whole depressing Story anyway & why re-live every tragic moment of everything that has transpired and can't be changed or fixed... I'd rather go Shopping!  *Smiles* 

The Truth of the matter is, I'm so in the Zone whilst Junquing for Found Treasures that my mind turns off of anything else that might be troubling me... even if I don't find anything to actually 'score'.  But that hardly every happens *Winks*... and honestly, when you can discover an expensive Decorating Book still in it's Shrinkwrap whilst Goodwill Hunting, for under three bucks... that's about as Cheap a Therapy Session as I can think of!  *LOL*   {Yes that weird texture on the Book is the Shrinkwrap... and just the fact it was Retail Therapy and the word Shrink is involved made me laugh out loud for real!} 


And every so often the perfect 'Scores' might come along and be within any modest budget and then that's just icing on the cake.  Lately the budget totally sucks too so when I can do a Gypsy Trade or Haggle a great Bargain it is a total Rush... I admit, when things are circling the drain I could use a good diversion like that.  I might be a Wednesday Addams Type of Gal in my Aesthetic & Style, but I really don't enjoy being a Morose personality.

And so last Night at Work I run into my Friend Char who has the greatest Treasures in her Booths and I tell her about the Antique Doll Head she has that I'm totally Jonesin' for... and yeah, we begin to Play "Let's Make A Deal"... I'm so Monty Hall when it comes to Dealin' for Prizes!  *Winks*

And as you can see... we reached an Agreement on our Negotiations and the Serious little Doll Head was added to my Collection... isn't it Sweet?!?  Thanks Char, you're such a Doll yourself and a Sweet, Generous Spirit... I'll Cherish this Quirky little Treasure and think of you anytime I behold it! 

 Doll Heads always make me Smile... a Visual reminder that even when you might feel like you've lost your Head, the parts of  you that Survive will still find Purpose & Appeal to someone, even in the Condition you're in.  I've often cultivated some of the most Cherished Relationships during times of Crisis in fact, when my head hasn't been in the best place & I'm a Hot Mess... because nothing sorts people out quite like Trouble... and once sifted, what you'll have left are the Chosen Few in your Inner Circle who are all in.

But guess what else I discovered for under Twenty Bucks?!

This Fabulous Chippy White Painted Table made of Salvaged Victorian Style Oak Architectural Elements!  It's small but weighty and solid... with loads of Detailing and Aged to Perfection!!!  Color me Happy!!! 

And finally these two adorable pieces of Industrial Assemblage Jewelry by Susan Lenart Kazmer of the "Industrial Chic" line were 'scored' for 30% Off at a Craft Store, making them around $7 each!!!

I Love Assemblage Style because it's always so Interesting, Quirky and Creative... Mixed Media is so much Fun because you can use anything and everything on hand and are only limited by your Imagination & Vision!

These Pieces were just my Style and very Inspiring ways to utilize bits & bobs... the Keyhole is behind the swinging Cover on this Padlock.  I don't know how I'll utilize these Pendants yet, but in the meantime they look Cool in Vignettes until they are Purposed for a new Project.

Yes, my five little inexpensive Treasures were Priceless in the way of Retail Therapy... I had an Enjoyable Time seeking them out, Photographing them for a Blog Post and finding ways to Display them at Home.  Because when you surround yourself with Beautiful things and People with Beautiful Spirits and Character you cannot stay down for long... even during extreme Crisis and the Issues of Life that aren't so pretty.

May you always be surrounded by Uplifting Beauty my Friends...

And Thank You to all the Blog Friends who have left their Condolences... their Encouraging, Uplifting Messages... and keep us in their Prayers... Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian