I've redone this Post several times already... with The Man being so sick we haven't been out much... I haven't wanted to be out much either.  Instead I have chosen not to do a lot of things I normally enjoy doing.  It just hasn't been the right timing for any of it and my Heart wasn't in it so we both decided to just rest as much as possible, we needed it.  And this won't be a typical Valentine's Day for us... usually he would sneak out and Surprise me with fresh Flowers, favorite Treats and a Romantic Card...  and though I always Love all that... I can tell he's just not up to it.  So I asked him to forego the Bouquets and Valentine's Day Shopping that he really doesn't yet have the strength or stamina to endure and I'll just Shop for something Special later.  Even when he's feeling 100% the "Shopping Experience" isn't something he particularly enjoys, and by contrast it is something I thoroughly enjoy... just not right now.  And the delay is okay.

I decided for this Valentine's Day Post to just go through my Photo Archives and pull some Images that spoke of Romantic Bohemian Style when I beheld them... Beautiful objects always make me feel good to look at or be around.  Yet being and feeling Loved is far more precious than any 'thing' that one could possibly possess.  If I had nothing but the Love of Family and Friends it would be more than the world of Lovely stuff.  And I Hope that you don't just wait for a particular day of the year designated as a Romantic Holiday to show and express your Love in action and words to those you hold Dear to your Heart.  Because nothing you could give them is more of a Gift than your sincere Love, time and affection... that is Priceless!

Happy Valentine's Day my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian

I have found the paradox, that if you Love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more Love. ~ Mother Teresa