Sunday was the last day of the SWEET SALVAGE 'Now Showing' Event and I Hope many of you were able to get down there?  But for those of you who couldn't, since I took a gazillion pixs to Share the Experience *winks*, perhaps you'll Feel as though you came along with us?!  Today we're going Glam... 'James Bond' Glam in fact, since several of the Vignettes had the Wonderful blend of Feminine Glam like a Bond Gal... and Mantique Suave Glam for the Sophisticated Ladies' Man Vibe ala Sean Connery.  Because though there were other Handsome and Talented Actors that played Bond, to me, Sean will always be the epitome of the James Bond Character.
And if you were a Bond Gal... what would be in your Wardrobe and Boudoir I Wonder?  How Oppulent and Sexy would your Spaces be if your Main Man were James Bond-ish?  *Winks*  Allow your most Extravagant Fantasies come to Life for a Moment... or longer if you Wish.  *Smiles*
Source: Judy's FB Page
I KNOW my Friends Judy and Gail were Savoring their Moment!  *Winks*
If I had a Loft in London or Paris lets say... how would I Decorate it?  Well, for starters I'd HAVE to have this Gorgeous Leather Sofa... it was beyond Amazing and so Comfortable too... what a Statement a piece like this would make!!!
And I'm Sorry PETA folks, but I'd probably have to have me some Furs as well.. Vintage ones of coarse so I wouldn't Feel so bad that the Original Owners of the pelts, the Critters, wore them a long, long time ago, probably before I was even born.
And where would you, as a Bond Gal, go Shopping I Wonder?  Paris, New York, Milan, London, Hong Kong, Marrakesh... Yes, ALL of them you say... and then some!?!?  *Winks*
Yeah, me too!!!  *Smiles*
And of coarse my International Loft Space would be filled with Vintage Dress Forms so that many of my Favorite Fabulous Ensembles wouldn't just languish in a closet unseen and not fully Appreciated... since any Couture piece is a Wearable Work Of Art worthy of a Display full time!
Every Detail in my Bond Gal Space would be Over-The-Top Fab in fact.
Because of coarse Sean would be coming over regularly... um, I mean Bond... James Bond!  *Winks*  It's Okay for me to say it, The Man knows I've had a Crush on Sean for a very, very long time.  And it's not as if most Guys haven't also had a Crush on a Bond Girl after all, maybe even more than one Bond Girl since each was so Stunning and Sexy!!!  *Smiles*  And now you're one too, Remember... on the Canvas of our Imaginations and for the Purpose of this Post.  *Winks*
So stock up with plenty of Vintage Luggage... like this Fab matching Set you recently 'Scored' at SWEET SALVAGE... You DID Remember to 'Score' some Vintage Luggage too didn't you??!?!?  But if not, don't worry, I 'Scored' enough Vintage Luggage that I can let you Borrow some... and all your other Friends too!  *LOL*  Yes, I Confess, I've Accumulated THAT MUCH over the Years and even Recently... and I'll Sell you some too if you don't wanna just Borrow some Okay?   Just because I made a Promise to The Man that I wouldn't Keep it ALL!!!  *Smiles*
And speaking of The Man, he would definitely have Loved many of the Mantiques and Comfy Club Chairs for his Man Cave Vibe... would make him Feel very James Bond-ish I would Imagine. 

See... there's even a Sign with his Nickname on it... in hindsight, I definitely shouldda got that, huh?!  Darn!!!

And how Cool are these Wing Chairs upholstered in Vintage European Advertising PostersNow since we're Pretending I could actually Imagine having something upholstered with Poster Paper... but my Reality would be something different... Paper anything wouldn't hold up to the G-Kid Force and my Real Men in this Household!  *Le Sigh*
And of coarse I'd have loads of Fab Bohemian Bling... which was in Abundance at the Event... I particularly have a fondness for these Upcycled pieces Created from Old Harware, Old Bohemian Bling and Vintage Silverware.
And even though the Glare from our intensely Sunny Days was pouring thru the main windows making it a Photo Op Challenge, I had to Attempt to show you that entire Sofa and Wonderful Displays around it.
And you know how much I Adore Old Trophies... well, these Hunting Trophies were really Lovely and Unique.  There were several, alas, this is the only Image that turned out.
Loved all of the Fashion Vignettes this time around...
And the Mantique Displays were a really nice addition because it's not just us Gals that look forward to Attending these Events.
And if you were looking for Mantiques, Vintage Industrial or Awesome Studio or Workshop Storage Units you wouldn't have been disappointed... but they were Selling FAST.
And if you were a Svelte Bond Gal you could have filled your Wardrobe with some Awesome Vintage Clothing!  Alas, none were in my Big Bond Gal Size...  Perhaps because I could have been the first Plus Sized Bond Gal, I dunno?  *LOL* 
And I Hope you're having Fun being a Bond Gal too?
Let's take a peek into the Ladies' Powder Room shall we... my Friends Myko and Brett did an Amazing Job Styling it for this Event!!!  Very Bond Girl Glam.
With plenty of Vintage Luggage for our next Exotic Destination we'll be meeting Bond at...

And though I didn't want to get the 'throne' in the Image, I HAD to Attempt to Share a pix of this Awesome Fireplace Mantle in there... not surprisingly it SOLD before the Event was over.

But if you didn't have room anyway for a large Treasure, there were plenty of Wonderful Small Treasures to take Home to your own Dressing Room or Boudoir.
And you can't even Imagine how difficult it was for me NOT to come Home with some more Bling... but I Resisted... since I was on a Mission for Specific Treasure Hunting on my 'List'.
Such as?  I know you're Wondering that, Right?  *Winks*  Well... this for one... a Vintage Mannequin Torso for only thirty-two bucks!!!   That's practically Free so I hadda have it... I need a Display such as this for one of my Showrooms... I just have to wait 'til I find the Ideal Stand to mount it upon.
And if you're a big Fan of Old Pedestals like I am, you would have been in Pedestal Heaven here... I still haven't 'Scored' one for Bohemian Valhalla yet, but I will some day... just waiting until the G-Kid Force are old enough they and/or their Friends won't topple one over on themselves.
But I can Lust over those that I see now... and Imagine which Style and Patina I would be inclined to Buy when the Time comes to procure one.

And how Cute are these Bohemian Bling and Cowhide Cuffs?

Ahhhh... yet another one of those Fab Upcycled Necklaces I J'Adore!!!
And there was even a Black Globe for those of you who don't have one yet... now that I have two I left this one for you Okay?  *Winks*
And when you're talkin' about Sexy, Sultry Ladies with an Attitude, you cannot forget the Iconic Mae West!!!  Come up and see me sometime...

I loved how many Darker Architectural Salvage Elements and Antique Mirrors were Styled with and  available for this Event... since I've come Full Circle and I'm back in my Dark Phase where I belong...
And since the Small Gingerbread Architectural Salvage was such a Great Bargain I scooped up the Black and the Charcoal Gray Gingerbread Fans pictured here. 

But I Resisted picking up even more Vintage Suitcases during my second visit on Saturday.  Yep, I did go back after dropping the Young Prince off at his Auntie's House for the Weekend, which is close enough to be a Great Excuse to go back for a 2nd Look at what New Inventory was brought in!?!  *Smiles*   And I ran into my Friend Rhonda just as she was leaving the Event... we hadn't seen each other in a while so that was a Nice Surprise!!!
This one's particularly Lovely isn't She?
And here's another one of those Fab Black Velvet Chairs... the one I Photographed in my First Post had already SOLD.

Very Tempting to want to 'Score' some Ostrich Feather Fans... there was this one and a Black one behind it that I was Seriously Lusting over!

And some Fab Vintage Silk Kimonas... Luckily not in my Size so I didn't have to Feel badly leaving them behind.  *Whew!*

And just before leaving I managed to have my Friend Sweet Jackie strike a Pose... everyone is Working so Tirelessly to make this Experience a Positive and Memorable one and have put so much Work into Preparing the Magic that I always want to Introduce you to some of the Stylists during the Coverage each Month.
Be sure to come back Tomorrow for even MORE Fabulosity and the Movies that Inspired it!!!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
