Well, No, it wasn't me this time that ended up in the ER yesterday... but as I was readying Princess T for her Pre-Surgical Consultation with the New Surgeon that Morning... and asking Prince R to get ready for School, he got a severe pain in his side and passed out in the Bathroom!!!  He came to, but still had the Pain... and my first thought was Appendicitis, so I wanted to get that checked out ASAP... well, as soon as The Princess' Consultation was done, since we've anxiously waited over a Year for THAT so I couldn't blow it off now, not when we're so close! 

Thankfully I'm used to juggling concurrent or consecutive Emergencies, especially Medical ones, with this Crew... so we just Rolled with it.  I gave him something to take the edge off his Pain and off we went to her Consultation with the ENT Doc.  He was Elderly and very Experienced... and he didn't seem to Care that I wasn't Mom!  *Whew!*  He let me sign off on everything necessary without any Drama and gave me the number to call for Scheduling of the Surgery.  He agreed this tumor needed to come out and could solve a lot of her other Medical Issues, or at least diminish some of them.  So I'm very Hopeful we'll FINALLY get this done and behind us... one less Monkey on our back!?

We unceremoniously dumped The Princess off at School with her Return To School Paperwork and sped off to the ER for Prince R.  I was Hopeful we'd get done before she needed to be picked up from School five hours later... but you never know, especially this time of Year when the ER is flooded with Patients.   At least we got all the necessary Tests done on him before we had to leave to pick her up and even got the results of some of them.  Which Thankfully most were Negative for Appendicitis or anything affecting his Brain,  tho' his Liver Enzymes were elevated in other tests.  

So, we had to ask them to take the I.V. out of his arm and wait for results for other tests later, because we did run out of Time and had to go. I'd already Consented to Treatment, but he didn't want to stay without me while I picked his Sis up... and I didn't want him to unravel Mental Health Wise in my absence, neither did the Staff.   *LOL*  So we had to do what we had to do to keep him on the rails and off the Crazy Train... since he was already very Anxiety ridden and Obsessing about the I.V. being in his arm.  Handling Prince R in Obsessive Mode is like herding Cats.  We'll just follow-up with his Pediatrician and Specialists since it didn't appear life-threatening. *Whew, what a Relief!*  Today he seems much better and no Complaints, which is Good since we can't schedule an Appointment on the Weekend anyway.  And we haven't even done MY follow-ups yet!

Being in Hospitals and Doctor's Office all day with the Kiddos was tough on me tho'... my blood sugars elevated considerably and I didn't feel so good.  So I was relieved to finally get Home and rest, take my Insulin injection and just try to Gel for the rest of the Night.  I was fantasizing about Desserts, which is Weird becoz I'm not much of a Dessert Person and rarely eat Dessert!  But I kept within my Diabetic Dietary boundaries in spite of strange Dessert fantasies!   Maybe it was a hallucination, the Dessert Thing, I dunno?!?  *LOL*  And No, I didn't have any Fruit Tartlets stashed in the house... this is an Archived Image of one, just to make a point!  *Smiles*

And now that I've put out some of the fires, it's back to some Frivolity for the Weekend... because I NEED it, I think we all do!   Not only in Real Life, but also here in the Beautiful Land of Blog, where we can Create our own little World of sorts, completely apart from Reality and filled with Illusions and Dreams if we want to.  *Winks*

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian