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Surrounding ourselves with what we Love means that we can't go wrong in connecting with the Environment we Create in our Personal Spaces.  I just can't connect with something that isn't my Style and I don't personally Love, even if it's Lovely and I can admire it, my interest in it will be fleeting and fickle.  I've had a fair number of things go in and out of our Home over the years that I just didn't really connect with... much of it was pretty enough, initially attractive with a temporary lure, but in the long haul my attachment to it was just superficial.  But there are those items that I really connect with and Love and those items will abide.  I know them when I see them actually, not that I'll bring each Home, but they will be memorable enough that if I could have, I would have. *Winks*  You each know what items that will be for you.  And there are certainly times when I wonder why I didn't just stick with those particular items I couldn't live without?  Why I didn't just hold out for those Special items exclusively and forget about anything that didn't move me quite like they do?  And now that I'm at this particular Season of Life I'm moving towards that Ideal... of just holding onto and Investing in those things that really connect me to them and I absolutely fall in Love with... and let go of the rest.  Yes, it will be a Process that will take time and contemplative thought... and I'm not so much focused on the Beginning of it or the End of it... I'm not setting a Timeline for myself in accomplishing the task and the Ideal, I'm just doing it and allowing it to unfold in the Moment.  And when I'm out and about... I shall be more contemplative of what will be allowed to come in and reside with the rest of those items that will remain because they have attained that status of being Beloved and having a Special Connection.  And it will be interesting to see how our Home Transforms when all that is left will be only what is cherished, holds priceless Sentiment or is necessary... I can only imagine... but I suspect it will be good and simplify Life a great deal.  And I need that right now... with The Man in and out of the Hospital and a seemingly endless stream of Doctor appointments for the G-Kids... well, it's time to simplify and just be able to concentrate on Life and giving my full attention to people rather than the distractions of taking care of "things and stuff".  Because to whom much is given, much is required.

Dawn... The Bohemian

*Lovely Feather Hats were photographed at ANTIQUE TREASURES in Downtown Glendale and awesome European Salvage Stained Glass Windows were photographed at APPLE TREE ANTIQUES in Downtown Glendale... all other Treasures photographed in our Home.*
