Today is a bad day to be single. All around us we see the delivery of flowers, valentine cards and sweets. Everything is covered in hearts and tints of red and pink lest we forget what time of year it is. But is any of it real? In a world when we no longer have time for intimacy and sleep with our Blackberry, has all our romance been stuffed into one day? Negligent husbands come out of the woodwork to buy their wives' affection with a box of chocolates. I bet their mistress gets diamonds.
True romance is different. It doesn't wait till February 14th rolls around each year. It's always lurking in a corner somewhere - ready to strike when you least expect it. A couple that is truly devoted to each other doesn't need mass hysteria to convince them to treat each other nicely for one day. Valentine's Day is not about love. It's all about cashing in on gullible minds and in the current economical hardships, the shops need the holiday desperately. Valentine's Day has turned into a bottom line. It's become a business and it's a billion dollar industry.
If I were in charge, I'd cancell the whole damn thing. No, I don't say that because I'm single. I say that because the holiday is a cop out. Every time a relationship is in a bad place, Valentine's Day can temporarily make them forget their struggles. He buys her a gift and she decides to give him another chance. Only men dump their loved ones today. No woman on Earth enjoys being single on Valentine's Day. It would mess up their plans to gloat and make their girlfriends jealous with romantic anecdotes.
But the sad truth is, tomorrow it will all fall apart. That's what happens when your relationship is a charade. It can't last. So why waste your time, energy and money on it? I dub today Liberty Day. All of us stuck in a bad marriage or destructive relationship should choose today to turn our life around. Take control of your life because sometimes, being single is a whole lot better than being married. What's romantic about being a fake, anyway?
What do you think of Valentine's Day? Let me know in the comment box.