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Source: Photography of Tony Walsh

As Valentine's Day quickly approaches I am thinking even more upon Valentine Style and Romantic Essence.  I'm a very Passionate person and whatever you do I feel should be done Passionately and with Great Love!

The shades of Color that evoke Passion, Love and Romance...
Deep lucious Reds, Sexy Blacks, Pastel Pinks, Soothing Lavenders, Rich Golds & Burgandy, Exotic Jewel Tones, Iridescence of Pearl Tones and just about anything that Sparkles, Glimmers and Shines Brightly!  *Winks*  Okay, so most of the Color Wheel can make a Romantic Statement now that I come to think about it!  *LOL* The 'Setting' and Ambiance is more important than the hues really... *Winks*  But as Valentine's Day draws near I do find myself seeking out the Reds and Blacks in my stash of Treasures to decorate with more than usual.  I remember growing up that my Bohemian Mom always decorated her Boudoir in Black and Red and it always looked so Romantic and Sensual to me.  She had Exotic Ebony Furniture with Gold hardware and accents... and heavy Red Brocade Drapes puddled to the floor and sashed back with delicate Irish Lace curtains behind them letting the Sun shine in through the windowpanes... an assortment of Vintage Black & Red Fabrics as Bedspreads on the Bed and Antique Oriental or Persian Rugs under foot.  And always an assortment of Beautiful Antiques... including Vanity Sets, Jewelry Boxes & Perfume Atomizers.
The fabrics that always seem Romantic and Sexy to me are especially appreciated during the Month of February... Vintage Laces, , fluffy clouds of Tulle, soft Silk, elaborate Satin Brocades and sumptuous Velvets... anything that flows freely, delights the senses of touch and sight...  and is ultra Feminine to the core!   And let us not forget the Scents that appeal to us... for me it would be heady Nag Champa, Moroccan Spices, Lavender, Rose, Patchouli, Sandalwood and the Exotic Ancient aromas of Myrrh & Frankincense. 

The shapes of Hearts, Romantic Images and just about any Fresh Flower is the epitome of Valentine Style and a Romantic Essence and Vibe.  And being a Romantic at Heart I always have an attraction to whatever evokes a sense of Romance and it's Essence to me... and it doesn't have to be a particular Special Occassion, Living Passionately and Romantically is a way of Life I choose.  So may this Valentine's Day just be the jumping off point for 2012 in Living your Life with Passion, Love and the very Essence of whatever is Romantic and Inspirational to you and makes your Heart and Spirit soar! 

And speaking of loads of Romantic Inspired Fun... please join us over at THE POLKA DOT CLOSET for the Mannequin DRESS FORM BALL Blog Party being Hosted!  The Bohemian Valhalla Mannequin Triplets, Yvette, Yashyme & Yazmin were excited to head off to the Ball as they are always in Diva Party Mode! *Winks*  Come see all the Inspiration and Eye Candy as the Dress Form Divas all strut their stuff... what a Fun Event!!!


And please join us for a Romantic Inspired Blog Party over at COMMON GROUND Hosted by Debra for Vintage Inspiration Friday!

Happy Valentine's Day... Dawn... The Romantic Bohemian
