This weekend was super busy, yet also super productive. Friday I finally cut up the silver plated trays I bought at Salvation Army and made necklaces out of them (another post on that later), Saturday I worked on them some more plus we had 2 birthday parties and a theater workshop for my daughter, and today-the most productive day of all. I set up "creative time" for both of my kids on the dining room table with paint, markers, sketchbooks, and more-all so that I could work out without any fights between them! I ended up doing 2 workouts and after sat down to see what they made. My daughter had saved the small 4x6 squares that were left when I was cutting mats and she'd done paintings on them. They were so cute. There were all these great acrylic colors already mixed up and just sitting there so I did my own 4x6 painting-pictured above.

I had so much fun with it and was totally inspired so I pulled out an empty canvas and just went with it. I wanted to add texture and I'd been thinking about doing this to a canvas for a long time so I used Collage Pauge with the paint and put a wrinkled layer of sewing pattern tissue on it and painted over parts of it. I studied the finished product to try and decide what to paint on it and I saw this great tree shape coming out of it.

My dark and twisty addition is the red towards the bottom. Makes me wonder what happened below that tree. Is it from a sunset? Is it blood? Why does it say "(blouse)" and "Guide" above it? I can come up with a whole creepy scenario--maybe I've been watching too many dramas on tv.

The finished painting.

I was still feeling inspired so I got out a 16x20 canvas and went with it too. I really love the way the pattern paper turned out and the deep green colors. It was almost hard to paint an image on. I almost kept it abstract.

I painted this but the legs just didn't look right to me. It cuts off right at the knees but it kind of looked like those were the feet and she had super short legs. After much contemplation I decided to extend the skirt.

Here is the finished painting. I have it hanging on my wall and I keep looking at it feeling that maybe it's not finished. I love the color and I love the figure but I am not completely 100% happy with her being right directly in the middle of the canvas. I might change it. Then again I might not.
After all this painting I ended up cleaning the house, doing dishes, a load of laundry, and then I made 5 new necklaces! Yeah, I'm whipped alright.