I've really Enjoyed the Spring Antique Garden Style Event... it was Fun to get into Spring by Styling my Showroom and checking out the other Vendors Visions of Spring.  Loved this delightfully Aged Chippy Planter Box Fence with the slightly rounded arched top... it gives me a Vision of an English Cottage and Garden it might have stood in front of at one time. 
And my Personal Favorite Plantings are those done in unconventional containers that all of us might have on hand to Improvise a Spring Vignette Interior or Patio Garden with... such as Vintage Textured Loaf Tins...

Product Containers with Graphics that are Appealing, Cheerful or Bright... Whimsical Coffee Mugs...
Any Rusty and Crusty Container with a Patina that only Time and the Elements can Create...


Old Yard Equipment that might not still be serviceable for the intended Purpose anymore due to condition issues, but can be Re-Purposed... especially when the Visuals of it add Interest.  I Love the layers of Old Exposed Paint this Old Wheelbarrow has...
Or how about utilizing some of your Old Cannisters and Silverplate...
Old Brass...

Orphaned Antique or Vintage China and Pottery...
Bakeware... the possibilities are only limited by the depth and Boundaries of your Imagination!
With a Favorite Painting or piece of Art as a Backdrop you can be Transported on the Canvas of your Imagination to Dreamy Destinations with just simple touches in your Decor.  This Tranquil Vignette Transported me to Bora Bora on the Canvas of my Imagination.  *Winks*  Sitting in a comfy Chair or languishing in a Hammock beside it and a Pina Colada in hand I could Imagine BEING THERE!  *LOL*

Or find some Interesting Planters if you don't want to Adapt and Improvise your own.
Though Adaptation and Improvisation are my Favorite Methods of 'making do' with what I have on hand or purchasing inexpensive substitutes for the Normal Planters that are mass produced.

And Good Garden Style Books will also provide Inspiration... I found many on hand during the Event and at Bargain Prices far below Bookstore Suggested Retail Pricing.

Can you see yourself in a Scene like this... or a Nook of your Home being Transformed after receiving Inspiration Spring Garden Style my Friends?
Or perhaps if you have a Shop or Booth it will have Inspired you to Transform your Retail Space into your Vision of Spring as well?
I Hope it has... because after all... that's the point... at least a part of it... of Decorating and Styling isn't it?  Not just to Please and Entertain ourselves, but to provide Inspiration and Enjoyment to others who may visit our Personal or Retail Spaces.

To Welcome and Invite them into a small Slice of our World through the filter that we see it and the Style that we Live it or Imagine it...
And if you make the World a more Beautiful Place with your Creativity it is Good to Share it, because it Multiplies the Joy of Creating and is in itself a Gift to others.
And perhaps Inspires those that behold the Beauty to Create Beauty all around them as well... a ripple effect that Enriches as it continues to expand outward.
It needn't be big or profound... just a small piece of Beauty done in your own particular way and Style can make a Visual impact and a Statement about your personal Point of View.  So go... be Inspired... and Create something Beautiful... you'll be Glad you did.
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian