Every visit to MELROSE VINTAGE is going to Create a Serious Lustfest of Epic Proportions for Yours Truly... our Friend Wendy Sources some of the most Amazing Vintage and Antique Treasures.  This visit I was stopped dead in my tracks as I beheld this Magnificent Fireplace Mantle!!!  The entire Vignette was breathtaking... but that Mantle... OMG!!!

And it wasn't just a Fireplace Mantle... it had a Bookshelf Built in on both sides as well!!!!!!  I can only Imagine the Mansion this must have been Salvaged from?!?   And if I could squeeze this Found Treasure into any space at Bohemian Valhalla I'd be seriously Saving up for it right now!

Just behold those Details!!!  I do Believe this is the most Magnificent Mantle I've seen in a very long time... AND... I... WANT... IT!!!  *LOL*  And so the Lustfest began...

Because The Mantle wasn't the only object I fell in Lust with... there was also this Velvet Sofa in the most Lucious Shade that is definitely my preferred Palette!!!

And with Great Carved Details... Sublime!!!
Yeah... in a Perfect World I'd have a Sofa like this in my Livingroom... but with the Crew of G-Kids, Menfolk, their Friends and Pets in the house... probably not gonna happen in this Lifetime.  *Le Sigh*  They're way too hard on everyday furniture for something like this to survive very long.
And if something like this got trashed... well.. you know how balistic I'd go... there would be Trouble in Paradise!  *Winks*  But on the Canvas of my Imagination... my Ideal Livingroom would have that Mantle and this Sofa!
But for now we'll just Pretend... and though Bohemian Velvet Furnishings is not my Friend Brigitte's 'Thing', so she couldn't get as excited about it as I, she obliged for a Photo Op... well, sorta... Brigitte is shy in front of the lens so it took some gentle coaxing to get her on the Sofa for a Photo Op.  Brigitte is more a Shabby Chic Gal... and so...
She Appreciated these Furnishings so much more as it is her preferred Style.
And this... yes, you Shabby Gals and Romantics at Heart will find that you'll have plenty to have a Serious Lustfest over too at MELROSE VINTAGE!   In fact, Wendy excells at Presenting the Romantic Styling in all of it's various forms.
See what I mean?  Are you perhaps a Francophile?  You'll find those Lovely French Style Furnishings and Accents here too!
Just check out this beyond Amazing piece... WOW!!!
And this Vignette and Display made from Old Salvaged Windows... Loving it too!!!

In fact I want The Man to build me something like this out of some of my Old Salvaged Windows now... yeah, he HATES when I get Inspired by something that will now Create more Work and Projects that he has to get Involved in!!!  *LOL*


Now... if you haven't already seen at least ONE object that you've fallen in Lust with too or at least been Inspired by, well, I'm checking your Pulse!!!  *Winks*
Chippy Pink Farm Cabinet... Sparkling Crystal Chandie Globe... Victorian Tin Planters... Lush Greenery... Treasures from the Sea... Old Silverplate... does it get much better than that for the Incurable Romantic?  I think not!
Well... unless you throw in some Fab Architectural Salvage Arched floor to ceiling Windows that is...
Need a 'Vision' for an Ideal European Luxe Livingroom to Relax in?
Or are you perhaps considering a Boudoir Makeover?
With some Bella Notte Linens, Italian Tole Chandlies and Christie Repasy Paintings... Okay... so perhaps that would be too Femme for The Man to handle... but remember... we're Pretending for now that we don't have to Accommodate anyone else in our Ideal Home Makeover Vision!  *LOL*
And Okay, I freely Admit that I'd have to throw in some Decrepid Derelict Styling, Botanical and Boho Gypsy Elements for it to be tweaked to My Style too.
But Trust me, regardless of what your Individual Styling Preferences might be, you are bound to find some Anchor Pieces that will be Wonderful Focal Points to build your Style upon in any Room of the Home!
The Barbola on many of the pieces really seals the Deal for me... those are the Detailed Elements I Adore!!!
This piece was a Table, Night Stand, Storage and Magazine Rack all in one... that crosses a lot of Functions off the List now doesn't it?!
And if you're an Old Chair Lover slash Hoarder like Moi... well, you're gonna be in 7th Heaven my Friends!!!  And Seriously Tempted to add to your Old Chair Stash at Home!!!  *Winks*

Wendy has certainly contributed to my Old Chair Infatuation Delinquency I can tell ya!  *Smiles*
I've decided that this is gonna take more than one Post I think!?  Otherwise you're gonna have Lustfest Overload like we Experienced!  *Winks*  So be sure to come back Tomorrow... after you've sufficiently recovered...
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian  
