One of our other Stops on Mother's Day Weekend was my Friend Shelly's Shops RUST AND ROSES
Just look at this Divine Duo of Custom Baroque Niche Shelves!!!  Get the Smelling Salts fast!!!  It is my understanding that they were from a Well Known Stylist's Estate... I can only Imagine what the rest of the Home must have held?!??!??  LOVE everything about them... wish I had room at Bohemian Valhalla for them!!!  *Winks*
And this Vintage Glider-Rocker matches a Motel Chair that I have... I Love Motel Furniture, it's so Comfortable, Sturdy and Visually Pleasing.
I have a vast Collection of Antique Crucifix and Art Crosses... so when I see any I'm drawn to them like a Magnet!!!   This Trio would look Lovely in an Outdoor Living Area. 
For you Shabby Gals there was an entire Room of the Shop devoted to all that was Romantic, Chippy and Shabby Chic.
And these Vintage Feedsacks Upcycled into Patchwork Pillows would really give a French Country Vibe to any Room... not to mention adding Comfort.
I Love the Vintage Storage Containers that have Lettering announcing what they used to hold... the Font is always so Fancy and Beautiful.

And the new Line of Tags and Cards at the Shop is Beautiful!  I bought the Bohemian Love Feather Set of Tags.
Aren't they Beautiful... filled with Bohemian Beauties and Peacocks... just My Style!!!
When I'm Organizing Supplies in my Studio I like to use Beautiful Tags to Label what cannot be seen at a glance.  Because the Older I get... the Shorter my Memory gets!  *Winks*

I'm STILL lamenting that I missed the last UBER CHIC European Container Sale that had to be
 re-scheduled!   It's my own fault... it's not like Shelly didn't send me half a dozen E-Mails reminding me... but lately my E-Mails have backlogged to a ridiculous level... Blogging is the only thing I manage to keep on top of online really anymore.

And I might have already shown you the Fab Tapestry Bolster Pillow that I 'Scored' at the Shops fairly recently?  But it bears repeating because I just Love it... and since I didn't actually purchase a Mother's Day Present ON Mother's Day Weekend because I'm Saving for that Japanese Bug Necklace... this is the closest thing to a Mother's Day Gift I procured and I'm totally Delighted with it!

Insert Me... Delighted with it!!!   *Smiles*  I want to start making some Gypsy Style Pillows for my Showroom from Vintage Fabrics and Tapestries... so as soon as some of the Health Crisis with the Family subsides I'll be back in my Studio Happily Creating some of what I've been Envisioning for Months.

More of the Cute Cards!

 And one of my Friend Tricia's Upcycled Victorian Tin Cross Creations.
Love the Boudoir Doll Head.

And my Friend Angela's Gypsy Upcycled Belt Creations.

If Shelly EVER needs someone to Adopt The Goose... I wanna be first on the List!  I actually had the chance to buy The Goose when it belonged to my Friend Pauline, but at the time The Man was opposed to Taxidermy Dressed up Gypsy Gal Style.  *LOL*  Now he's mellowed where it doesn't bother him so much what I'd do with Taxidermy brought into the Home... I told him he can kill it... have his Brother do the Taxidermy and I'll Dress it up Gypsy Gal Style... THEN it can be in the House once it looks like it's having a Good Time!  *Winks*

The Sherbert Hued Walls of this Room always make me Smile.  I'm one of those Conflicted folks about Color Palettes... on the one hand I Adore and am strongly drawn to the muted Organic Sepia Tones and Time Worn Hues of Benign Neglect... but on the other hand I also Adore Jewel Tones and Bold Cheerful Sherbert Hues as well!

So I always mix those Palettes at Home so that I can have both Bold Colorful Cheerful Palettes like this... and...

My Time Worn Sepia Hues and Benign Neglect Accents of the Dilapidated and Decrepid Styling and Patinas too.

I just cannot do Monotones or Pure Colorless Palettes even though I can Admire them in someone else's Spaces.   Yep, that's Moi reflected in the Mirror of this Awesome European Style Armoire.  It also reminds me that I'll soon be Harvesting more Cotton Plant Cuttings from the Fields soon to Decorate with too.  There's always plenty left behind on the Irrigation Canal Banks after the Cotton Harvests and I Love Decorating with it.

I still Love Stacks of Vintage Suitcases... though I have been Letting Go of many of mine as I Curate the Collections and Cull the Hoarding of my Fav Collections.  *Winks*  Only keeping the ones I Love Best.

I still need to take a Class at Creating Soldered Bottle Art... it's something I REALLY want to Learn to do and I've got loads of Old Bottles and Supplies to Create a multitude of them once I'm Schooled at the Process.  *Smiles*
And another think I want to start Creating is Deconstructed Lampshades... I always find so many good Old Lampshade Bones to work with... now to just get the Time to Upcycle them My Style.  So many Ideas for Projects and so little Time!  *Le Sigh*   I Loved the Shape of this Deconstructed Shade and I can Consider all kinds of Possibilities for it!
Princess T was Adoring Miss Tricia's Jewelry Creations and wanted me to buy one for Mother's Day.  Though for some reason the Lil Hambone was opposed to being Photographed this particular day... so uncharacteristic for the Diva Princess!   I suspected that had I bought one she would have been wanting to Borrow it though?!  *Winks*   The "Hell On Wheels" one with the Princess Slipper on a Victorian Tin Heart would then have been most Appropriate for her... we've been getting lotsa calls from the Teachers lately about Behavioral Issues and being such a handful!  *Le Sigh*  Perhaps now they can more fully Appreciate what I Live twenty-four-seven!?  *LOL*
Loved the Styling of this little Nook.
And if you need European Grainsack Pillows... Shelly has plenty of Styles and Sizes to choose from!  The G-Kid Force Love cuddling up in my Vintage Grainsack Pillows... the Older Linen or Hemp is actually extremely Soft and Luxurious to the Touch.  So its always best to Invest in the Better Quality and Older Grainsacks... you can Feel the difference easily from the Coarse Scratchy lesser Quality and more Modern ones.
I was absolutely in Love with this entire Seating Set... it reminds me of the Ornately Carved Walnut and Velvet Rocking Chair that The Man brought back from Turkey for me. 
The Craftsmanship is equally Impressive on this set too and has the Lion's Head Armrests.
We've had our Turkish Rocker so many Years now that The Man keeps asking when I'll replace it... but to me it's irreplaceable and holds not only Timeless Beauty and Style, but Memories of his numerous Tours of Duty in the Middle East during Desert Storm and the long separations our Family Endured while he Served several Years in a row.  Certainly his Memories of those Tours aren't Pleasant since it was Wartime... but he did bring back some Awesome Middle Eastern Treasures that we'd be hard pressed to find on our Shores and he did find the Turks to be extremely Gracious Hosts to the American GI's Stationed in their Country.
I Love Old Yardlong Photos and Ephemera don't you?
And what's not to Love about Feather Flowers!!!????   I have Collected  Bird Feathers since I was a Child and have always had them tucked everywhere around my Home.
And I won't be able to cover the Shops in just one Post because I took a multitude of Images... there's always so much Eye Candy and Inspiration!!!
And Fun Wardrobe and Accessories...
And Fun Boho Style... Princess T would Love her Room to be in this Color Palette... it is so Cheerful isn't it?
In fact I had trouble getting her out of this Room... I'm quite certain she wanted to Move In!  *LOL*
But I think Shelly and the Shop Gals might have noticed a Wee Princess Squatter Moved In and Curled up on the Bed or in that Lucious Raspberry Sherbert Velvet Armchair!  *LOL*
So... she reluctantly Vacated and came Home with us... but ever so reluctantly I must tell you!  *Winks*  You know how Little and Big Girls are about their Dream Rooms... we wanna stay as long as possible luxuriating in the Ambiance and Fantasyscape of it all!
We'll be back in Tomorrow's Post though, I Promise... because I still have a slew of Images to Share with you.  And since I'll be Attending some more Events Tomorrow the Scheduled Posts will help me out while I'm Covering even more Fabulousness in the Valley of the Sun for ya!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian