Okay, we're back at SIRENS AND SAINTS and RUST AND ROSES during our Mother's Day Blog Post Marathon.  *Winks*  I know, I know... I'm running behind all the time here in the Land of Blog lately... but any Fun Outing is worth extending, even Virtually, No?  *Smiles*
It seems I'm doing so much in my Personal Life lately that I haven't had the Time to Devote to Cyberspace Relaxation and Blog Friendships that I like to Enjoy... so I get to it when I can and just Schedule Posts into the Future so that it SEEMS like I'm here more than I actually am!  *LOL*  But the Beauty is that I keep running into Blog Friends in Real Life lately when I'm out and about and that is always such a Rush to meet some of you in Person too!
I'll let you in on a Lil Secret too... the Japanese Bug Necklace Fund got depleted very recently because there were a couple of other things I'd also had my Heart set upon and decided to get first... and wait on the Bug Necklace for my Birthday in August instead.   You see my Friend Angela has been Creating more of her Amazing Gypsy Belts and I wear mine so often that I decided to get yet another one to Accessorize my Wardrobe with.  And some of my Fav Shops will be Closing for the Season now that the Weather has heated up to scorching... and I can always buy my Bug Necklace Online from Japan so Time isn't of the Essence for that Purchase.
I get a LOT of Mileage out of my Fav Accessories and anything you wear often and Love Season after Season without falling out of Love with... well, it's well worth Investing in so that you Feel Wonderful every time you put it on.  So... this Gorgeous White Gypsy Belt in the forefront with the Gorgeous Hand-Dyed Velvet Rosettes, Stone and Bling is now MINE!!!
And here's New 'Old' Yashyme Modeling it for you... around her Neck since her Waist is much more svelte than Yours Truly and it would fall down around her wheels!  *LOL*
And I'm slowly Learning to use my new Camera that Pamela Gifted me with and if I'm having sufficient Time to line up the Shots I'm getting pretty good with it.  At hectic Events I still use my Old trusty backup Camera too just in case that in my haste to Photograph things quickly on the Fly I don't come Home, download and realize everything is blurry with the New Camera Images.  *Le Sigh*  I'm Hoping that will change as I become more proficient using a better quality Camera... because I do look like Crazy Camera Lady with several Cameras switching out!  *Winks*
Not to mention it's Nice to get those Flattering Compliments from my Lil Bro', the Professional Photographer, about the Quality of my Photography improving!  *Winks*
And I Enjoy Photography so much that it's been a Wonderful new form of Artistic Expression that I thoroughly want to Explore further.
And of coarse soaking in Inspiration and Beautiful Styling done so Masterfully by my Friends has helped me to Improve the Retail Spaces, Inventory and Styling of my own New Ventures... which in turn has Blessed my Family financially and helped make up for having to Retire early from the Corporate World and lose a secondary income we had been used to for so long.
Had to Share this Amazing Vintage Last Supper in an Awesome Frame that my Friend Pamela 'Scored' at the Shop for only Fourteen bucks!!!  I told her if she put it down, I was snatching it right up!  *LOL*  Needless to say she was clutching that thing like a Newborn Babe that might get kidnapped!  *Winks*
Even the Welcome Signs at the Shops are Beautiful!!!
And Spiritual Art abounds, so I always Feel right at Home here since it's so close to my own Styling and Sensibilities at Home.
If you Enjoy Collecting OOAK Accessories and Jewelry you will be in 7th Heaven here!
The Artists are always bringing in Newly Created Inventory... and you won't have any problem finding something to fall in Lust with... your only problem will be choosing which one(s) to buy... because you're likely to want it ALL... well, if you're anything like me that is... which is Insatiable when it comes to da bling!!?  *Wish*
And you'll find everything from Traditional Lighting to Unusual Lighting options to Illuminate your World with.
I know... I can't seem to get away from da bling can I?  *Smiles*  But I limited myself to a Belt... and exactly The Belt I came for!
Now... the only thing I took Issue with is that Shelly re-painted MY Cabinet... you know the one I don't have room anywhere for and could never buy... but have Lusted after for every time I went into the Shop and Shared Visitation with!!!  *Gasp... insert me staggering a wee bit from the Shock...*  Yes, it still looks Lovely in the new European Grey which is a very On Trend Hue right now and someone who will buy it and have room for it will certainly Love... but I was partial to the Original Green and the Aged Patina... so I was clutching my Chest when I first saw the Makeover!  *LOL*  Sorry Shelly... you know what a Purist I am when it comes to Original Aged Patina and the Painting Over of it.  I wouldn't have the Courage to... though I know many of you are Fearless and do with Good Results.
I would Love to own a Sea Fan Art Bottle... but I'm afraid such a delicate thing as a Sea Fan would not Survive the G-Kid Force and The Man here at Bohemian Valhalla so I've never brought one Home and just Admired them elsewhere... where they shall remain Safe and undamaged!  *Le Sigh*  This one is a particularly Magnificent Specimen.
Yep... Wandered back to da bling... *Winks*... if you ever go out anywhere with me you'll get used to this Habit.  *Smiles*  Ever lose me in a Shop, just head straight for where they have da bling... that's where I've usually Wandered back to!  *Smiles*
I'll be standing there Admiring it ALL... and Fantasizing that if money were no object... just how much bling I would likely end up with?!?  Too much I can tell you right now!  *LOL*
And my Vintage Flower Frog Obsession is nearly as bad... though they are usually well within my budget and so I can get carried away with Flower Frog Purchases!  *Winks*  Yes, it's True, I have a Hoard of Vintage Flower Frogs... Thankfully they don't take up much space and many of them have made their way to my Showroom when I get too many duplicate Styles.  So many uses for Old Flower Frogs though beyond what they were Purposed to do.
Shelly also has some great Vintage Carpetbags in the smaller Purse Sizes.
And I'm still Enjoying Visitation with The Goose... though Crooky was conspicuous by his absence this day except in his Glamour Shot.  *Smiles*  It's Hot now though, he was probably hiding out in some Cool location having a Cat Nap.
Yep... back again to da bling...
And I realize that this is going long again and I still have a slew of Images so I'll likely Save those to Share in a Future Post down the road... so that you'll have plenty of Lovely Visuals and Inspiration to get you thru the long Hot Desert Summer.
This is the Season that here in the Arizona Desert we tend to stay Inside more at Home Sweet Home...
So... while we Cool off a bit... and download the Images we took Today at the Third Thursday Events up and down the Melrose District on Girl's Day Out for Tomorrow and beyonds Posts... I Hope you'll return Tomorrow and Join us Virtually?   Though with the Personal Issues of Health Crisis going on at Home I haven't been able to get out as much or for as long or even Commit to Attending various Events... I can still make the occassional Sponteanous Shorter visits and meet my Friends in the City when I can manage to get away at short notice.  
 I want to take this opportunity to Thank all of my Friends for being so Patient and Understanding about how unavailable I have been lately and being unable to Commit to much... you guys totally ROCK and are so Supportive and Encouraging!  Mwahhhh... LOVE YA ALL!!!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian