Merry Christmas my Friends!

Hey, believe it or not The Man and I had the Perfect Gift this Morning... Prince R's Dad agreed to take both of the G-Kids for Christmas so we have Bohemian Valhalla all to ourselves!  Listen... can you hear it... Peace, Tranquility, Silence!  {Insert sounds of Crickets... LOL}  They'll be having a big time with Prince R's Paternal Relatives and we'll be reveling in the Respite and having Quality Time Together!

The Son and his Family will come by again Tonight... and take us out to Dinner... we so Enjoy spending Time with them since they're the only ones who live close enough to see during almost every Holiday.

It's always Great during the Holidays to get together with Family and Friends if you can... and have that healthy Balance of some Quality Time with just the two of us as well. 

Though I'm sure after a few days we will probably miss the Clomp Clomp Shuffle Clomp of Princess T Prancing around in Gramma's Gypsy Cowgirl Boots.  *LOL*  It's like putting a Flamingo in Boots, that Kid is all legs and my weren't we Pink this day?!  *Winks*

The Son and his Girl also found some Coffee at the Asian Market her Aunt owns that has my Mom's Name on it... so we'll be shipping that to Cali as soon as the Holiday Rush is over at the Post Office... Nanna will flip over this!  

This was definitely a Hello Kitty and Monster High kinda Christmas for Princess T.

Her Brother and his Dad picked out the Perfect Winter Hat for her, she Adores it and wore it to the ER last Night and slept in it once she got Home.  *Smiles*

For Prince R it was definitely a Pokemon and Beyblade kinda Christmas.  And we worked out a Gypsy Trade that was mutually beneficial.  With the G-Kid Force Trading Gramma one of their Nooks {with the cracked screen after having been dropped numerous times by a Certain Princess} for the Laptop I got for my Birthday and never figured out how to even turn on.  *LOL*  They'll get more use out of it than me and all I ever wanted was to listen to 'Pandora' anyway... and they've got the Nook already loaded with my Fav Selection of Andrew Sisters Era Tunes.  *Smiles* 

We also had a Christmas Eve Day Luncheon at The Olde Spaghetti Factory in Phoenix.

I just Love that place and have been Patronizing it since the very early Seventies.

The Young Prince actually was Agreeable and Cooperative to being Photographed for a change and kept his Teen Angst and Attitude in check for most of the Holidays.  *LOL*

And besides, how can I stay upset with him even on his difficult days when he takes such a Thoughtful approach to helping his Dad pick out just the Perfect Gifts for Family!


And always Gives ALL he's got from the Heart... he Surprised me with his Favorite Lucky Jade Frog that he really Cherished, Gifting it to me because he knew how much I Loved it too.  Yes... I Cried! 

 And Princess T Touched Gramma's Heart equally with her most Generous Personal Sacrificial Gift of her Dia de los Muertos Monster High Doll since she knew Gramma Loved this one as much as she did.  Yeah, it was a weepy Christmas for Gramma Dawn for sure!  *Smiles*

Yes, Gramma Adored the Gangsta Marilyn Monroe uber soft Throw you picked out for me.  Funny Story, he told me that he said to his Dad, "I don't know who this is, but I just know my Gramma LOVES her!"   *LOL*  WHAT!!!!  Shocking!!!  Doesn't EVERYONE know from every Generation who the Iconic Marilyn is!?!  *Smiles*  He conceded that Yes, she is HOT... tho' he probably thinks she actually did have Kat Von D Style Flash?!  *Winks*  It matches the Couture Tanktop that my Friend Angela Created for me earlier this year! 

 Now.. tho' he did beg for Candies all Christmas long... The Man looks less than Thrilled huh? I thought he'd be more Thrilled...  so I guess a Trip to Cabelas is in order after Christmas to get a more Thrilled countenance and that glazed over look to his eyes... tho' granted he dove into that Candy like nobody's business... I don't think there's any left and I'm pretty sure he's in a Sugar Coma right now and has a Sugar Blaze look to his eyes?  *LOL*

Oh, almost forgot to Show you the Marilyn Pin that came with my Awesome Throw!

And of coarse we have our own Hot Mamacitas in this Familia... and here's some new Images of just some of them I received this Christmas... the Great-Grand-Daughter...

And her Hot Mama, our Oldest Grand-Daughter, Princess Nenita.  Yeah, she don't look like she just had a Baby does she?!!   I think I used my Kiddos as a handy Excuse for being out of shape for YEARS!   And now I'm using the G-Kid Force as my Excuse.  *Winks*

And here's the Matriarchal Hot Mama of the Family... my Beautiful Mom, with my Little Bro'... it always makes me Smile to call him my LITTLE Bro' since he's a strapping six foot four towering way over me and strong as an Ox!  *LOL*  And damn, Mom is looking so Youthful that soon they'll be mistaking her for our Big Sis dontcha think??!!?!?

It really gives me a Peace to see her looking so Good and being so Happy with the Placement at the Nursing Home in Cali where she lives and has now made so many Friends.  We'd always prefer to take Family in and have them live with one of us if possible, unless we absolutely cannot meet them at their point of need, so it was a difficult transition for all of us when that was no longer possible with Mom.   My Lil Bro' visits her almost every day tho' and Volunteers regularly at the Facility she lives at... all the Old Ladies LOVE him!  *Winks*

Notice Nanna's Mani?  My Bro' said she does all her own Mani's still and changes the Color EVERY DAY!!!   *LOL*  That is so like my Mom... and I Guess she gives many of her Friends there Mani's too... this Boheme' Gal is still Rockin' it well into her Eighties!

And my Childhood BFF in Texas is totally Inspiring me for 2014 because she's now lost Sixty-Nine Pounds and looks Absolutely Mahvelous Darlink!  {Said in my best Billy Crystal Impression!}  And believe me she's as Beautiful on the Inside as she is on the Exterior, she's my Big Sis!

And here's our Oldest Daughter and her Beautiful Family, along with the Great-Grandpuppy *Smiles*... LOVED that they had the main Christmas Pix done in Sepia Tones to match my Holiday Palette for this Christmas!!!

The Oldest of the G-Daughters, Princess K, also made a Holiday Postcard for Gramma and Grandpa... she and her Boyfriend now have their own place... damn, my Kids are getting their Kids raised and out of the house quicker than their Dad and I can get all the Kiddos in the house raised and out... SO NOT FAIR!!!  *LOL*

Yes... the G-Kids are all growing up into Beautiful Young Women so quickly, where has the Time gone?!?

Here's the two Younger Sisters, Princess N and Princess MacK.

And our Son-In-Law in Mexico Thrilled us with brand new Images of the Youngest three Grandbabies that live South of the border.   These are also some of the Younger Siblings of the G-Kid Force.  This is the Princess M.  Who looks the MOST like her Mama, our Younger Daughter.

Granted, the Younger Daughter seems like she Cloned ALL of her Kiddos since they each look so much like her... but Princess M looks Identical to The Daughter with the exception of having my Color Grey-Blue Eyes rather than her Mama's Dark eyes.

Images like this make me cry and miss my Daughter so very much because it takes me back in Time to when she was this Age and before she wasn't Well.  But she has Blessed us with so many Beautiful Grandchildren and that is always the Best Gift we are most Thankful for each Christmas... Family and having a large one.

Yep... here's yet another one of the Youngest Daughter's Beautiful Babies... the Youngest one of the brood, Princess N.

This one is definitely Daddy's Girl and our Son-In-Law confesses that she's got him wrapped around her little finger!  *Smiles*  He's such a Good Daddy.

And here's the Oldest of the Trio in Mexico, the Lovely Princess R, who is said to have as much Attitude as her Big Sis Princess T!  *LOL*  Yep, Gramma Maria certainly has her hands full!

I was so Delighted to get so many new Images of the Girls since they don't get Photographed too often.   Gramma Maria probably Created each of the Beautiful Ensembles they're wearing, she's a Superb Designer and Seamstress and can whip Beautiful Wardrobe out so fast that I'm gobsmacked!

Brave too... to give the Girls Red Popsicles in those Gorgeous Dresses!  *LOL*

And here's their Daddy... in the Center.  We are so very Fortunate that all of our Children have expanded our Family with Spouses or Significant Others that we really like and have Welcomed into our Family for Life gladly.

Had to end the Post with a Flashback from way back... yep, it's Yours Truly back in da day when I was probably Celebrating a Holiday in Vegas.  *LOL*  It always makes my Grandkids Smile when they can see some Retro Shots of Grandpa and I... never get so Old that you Forget what it was like to be Young my Friends.
Merry Christmas from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
