Okay... so you saw the Awesome Sneak Peek of The Box it was in.  Has the Suspense been killin' ya my Friends?  *Winks*

My Talented Artist, Fashion and Jewelry Designing Friend Angela had once again Created something Ultra Special for me from her New Line of Bohemian Jewelry and presented it as a Surprise Christmas Gift.

As I mentioned before... the Beautiful Packaging Alone was Gift Enough and so Awesome that I thought it WAS the Gift! 

Check it out, an Awesome Sterling Silver Gypsy Bracelet Cuff Created from an Antique Brush with the Monogram GEM because Dear Angie said that's what she considers me... Awwwwwww!

She's also wearing one of her Antique Sterling Cuff Bracelet Creations and the Fabulous Line of all of Angela's Fashion and Jewelry Creations for Winter can be found at SIRENS AND SAINTS in Phoenix... if now you simply MUST HAVE yours too!!!   Don't we look like Xena Princess Warriors!?  You'll Feel like a Princess Warrior too wearing your Cuff!  *Winks*

I Love you too Angie!!!!!!!!!  Mwahhhhh!!!!

And I Love the Awesome Gift and Box too!!!
I know you NEED to see a Close-Up...  it's lined with Leather and secure snap closure.

And I knew the moment I walked thru the door at Home with that Box... WHO would be Claiming it as HERS... a certain other Princess.  *Smiles*
I always have such Fun with my Friends on Melrose... they are Truly the Salt of the Earth these Gals!  I can't tell you how many times they've bouyed my Spirits when I've been 'Down' and 'Out'.  And offered Encouragement and Sweet Words of Hope and Strength because I know how much they Sincerely Care for and Pray for our Family.  And the Sweet Things they DO shows Love In Action.
And as Fellow Creative Bohemian Free Spirited Souls they totally 'Get' me and know what speaks to my Soul through Artistic Expression and Found Treasures, since it makes all our Hearts flutter.

And what makes us all Dance!

Here's some more of Angie's Creations... her Accessories Line is simply Amazing... I own numerous Belts she has Created especially for me... each is a Unique piece of Wearable Art.  Her Velvets are all Hand-Dyed and her Attention to Details is meticulous!   This Line of Bohemian Belts is Created from Upcycled Cowboy Belts, Bohemian Bling, Stone and Hand-Dyed Velvets.

See how they Accessorize any Ensemble Beautifully!

Some more of Angie's Creations... a Swag of Vintage Bottles and Glass... and MY Drapes... which I come for regular Visitation to see, since at the Present Time we're Sharing Joint Custody of them while they're a Display Item Only for the time being.  *LOL*

I Hope to Buy them one day when they're done Showcasing one of her Showrooms.   This whole Showroom makes you just want to move in!  *Winks*

I could Seriously Envision my Boudoir looking like this if I wasn't Sharing it with The Man.  *LOL*  But it's a little too Femme for his liking, so we'll be keeping our Gypsy Chic Exotic Jewel Tones with Goth Style Furnishings as a suitable Compromise.

Now Deep Reds and Black are Hues that The Man can Roll with in the Boudoir... I remember those being the predominant Hues in my Parent's Boudoir for as long as I can recall and I always thought it a drop dead Sexy Combo that Guys and Gals can Live with comfortably in the Bedroom.
It wasn't as in Focus as I expected, but check out the Sweet Airstream Mercury Glass Christmas Ornament!!!  Probably should have bought one of those for our Tree!

And speaking of Christmas Trees... my Favorite Hue of Bottlebrush Tree was in my Friend Tricia's Showroom.

I Love the Sepia Bottlebrush Trees best.

But, if like Tricia you're more of a Pastels Gal... well, she had a Forrest of those too for you!

But you know that I'm all about the Sepia lately... even straying from my predominant Jewel Tones towards a more predominantly Sepia Palette.   The Family find it to be as Soothing to them as it is to me, so tho' I won't banish all Jewel Tones since I HAVE to have some Color... a lot more Sepia will be Coloring our World now.

It's such an Organic Hue that it really speaks to me of Nature and of Aging Gracefully.   Anything Aged to a Sepia Hue is just Perfect to me.

And for those of us that Rust is a Beautiful Thing and a Beautiful Patina... well, it goes so well with Sepia Tones doesn't it?  *Winks*

Tonight being Christmas Eve, I must tell you that our Christmas Eve Day Rolled out rather Stressfully... so I was glad to come Home to my Sepia Haven Tonight.  We'd spent all Morning and Afternoon at the VA Hospital with The Man... and then at the ER with Princess T later this Afternoon and into the Evening.  *Whew!*

Inbetween Hospital Appointments and Medical Crisis we allowed the G-Kid Force to open their Christmas Gifts early since Prince R will be spending Christmas Day with his Dad's side of the Family.   So it's been a pretty stressful and exhausting day for Yours Truly.  Thankfully both The Man and Princess T are now Stabilized and able to be Home for the rest of the Holidays.  *Whew!*  But they've had a tough time of it Healthwise in recent days and I was Concerned that we'd spend another Christmas Day in a Hospital instead of at Home. 

I always have this Vision of what I Hope the Holidays will be like... you know... NORMAL... and then Life Happens!  *Le Sigh*

And it's difficult to watch Loved Ones suffering with Health Issues and Feeling so Powerless to 'fix' it.   Or Dealing with The System as it stands and the hoops one has to keep jumping thru... quite exhausting on top of stressful.  The wee Princess is quite the Trooper, but with two large Shots given in each thigh Tonight, she couldn't even walk out of the ER and Tomorrow will likely be a very painful Christmas for her.  My Comforting will be Feeble at alleviating her actual Pain... and for me that in itself is excruciatingly Painful for me too!   I'd rather bear the Physical Pain myself for her!

She and The Man are Tough as Old Boots... and I know they'll bear it all with Dignity and Grace... but as for me I do often Feel quite Inadequate in my Role of Caring for them all when everyone has so many Medical Issues and Disabilities that make Life more Challenging.

So tho' it might seem Superficial... the Escape to Beauty and what Feeds my Soul is vital for my own Health and Well Being, so that I can keep going without breaking down.

This all is like a Good Medicine to me... and way Cheaper than Therapy!  *Winks*

I'm Optomistic though that 2014 will be a better Year for us than 2013 was.

I have numerous Plans and Goals set in place to Attain during the New Year... some Lofty... and some quite Modest.

And though we'll return to the Shops my Friend Shelly owns soon... Tomorrow being Christmas... I'm Devoting my Christmas Post to Family and Celebrating some of our Loved Ones that I have recent Images of to Share... and those Images of their Beautiful Faces and Sweet Spirits are what makes Life worth Living... and make all the Sacrifices so Worth it!

Merry Christmas from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
