What's more Delightful than Antique European Bathtubs and French Country Antique Tables laden with Demijohns?

Well, not much... as Paris Flea Market Style comes to the Valley courtesy of the UBER CHIC GUYS European Container Sale at RUST AND ROSES for a three day Extravaganza.  I always look forward to Attending and I had my Wish List firmly in hand to stock up on Antique European Feed Sack Linens during this Visit.

Of coarse on my way to the Linens Section I had to pass by what seemed like miles of Fabulous Old Demijohns... I'm kinda regretting not getting that one front and center in the multicolored weaving!

And wade past Cast Iron Enamelware Antique Fabulousness too...  European Wall Sinks... Simply Divine and so many Possibilities for use at Bohemian Valhalla!

But then so are Antique European Enamelware Pedestal Sinks... I could see a line of these holding Antique Linens ready for Creative Possibilities for Wearable Art, can't you?

Yes, Dustin and Chris had been busy Pickin' across Europe again to bring European Style to the Valley.  Sourcing Fabulous Antiquities from such places as Hungary, Germany, France and Belgium that are probably on your 'Bucket List' Destinations as well as mine, huh?   It's been since Childhood since I've visited such Destinations so I'm personally long overdue to return and re-experience it all now that I've got my own Bank Account.  *LOL*

Ah, here we are... after Resisting Temptations along the way I finally made it to the mounds of Antique European Linens piled up chest high all around me!!!  Foraging through them and agonizing over which would go Home with me?

So intense was I on my Mission to procure my European Linens at the exclusion of all else, that I was forgetting to even take Photos!!!  *Gasp!!!*   Yes, it's True, the Pathological Picture Taker was sidetracked while diving into European Linen piles like a Kid would dive into a pile of raked Autumn Leaves!  *LOL*

But when I eventually Surfaced... just look what I came up with my Friends!  *Booyah!*  I will be Transforming these Bolster sized Antique European Feed Sacks into comfy Gypsified Pillow Art around the house since the G-Kid Force Adore the Feel of Antique Linen filled with squishy Down Pillow stuffing.  These things are indestructable and wash up like a charm, so are great for Family Living.  Many have Embroidered Monograms as well as the Lovely Pinstriping sewn into them and one is Curtain Sized so it will be Transformed into Gypsy Curtains of coarse.

One of these days I shall have to spring for one of these King Sized Demijohns in the Metal Basket!  What for you ask?  Hell, I dunno, I just now Think I NEED one without any Purpose in mind!  *LOL*

But I did pick up one of these Huge French Skeleton Keys after Dustin got done with the back-end Story of them.   Who doesn't Love Skeleton Keys after all and these were so inexpensive!  And I came Home with said Skeleton Key and promptly misplaced it!!!  Do you ever do that my Friends?  I know it's here SOMEWHERE in the Abyss of Lovelies at Bohemian Valhalla... and I shall probably find it again some day... when I am foraging for a Future Project and it turns up again!   *Le Sigh*

And speaking of Paris... it wasn't just Parisian Antiquities at the Event, my Talented Friend Heidi of PARIS MONTANA was also there with her Blacktop Boudoir Airstream Gypsy Waggon filled with her new Line of Creations of Wearable Art!

One of my Goals for 2014 is to lose enough weight to get into some of her Lace Chaps and look as Fabulous as Heidi does in them.
Clearly I'm not there yet... *Bwahahaha!*

And I was Lamenting this Fact to my Friend Pamela... so... she did some Virtual Doctor 90210 'Work' on Yours Truly so that I could Envision Self more Svelte and Lace Chap-Like as Inspiration and an Incentive to shed the poundage...

And the Hilarious Results had me LMAO because many of my Friends and Family on Facebook that I don't see in Real Life thought I actually had lost the weight already and were Congratulating me!!!  *Bwahahahahaha!!!*   Yep, Pamela sure had Worked her Magic with the Virtual Tummy Tuck, Chin Job and reducing my Linebacker Biceps so that I looked Svelte and Lace Chap Ready already!  *LOL*   The un-re-touched Image looked more like a beached Whale mind you, and some things you can't Un-See even if you desperately want to... so I'll Focus on this Image instead, it doesn't Haunt me nearly so much!  *Smiles*  No, I'm NOT gonna Share that one, are you Crazy!?!  *Winks*

But I will leave you with the Cutest Image of my Friends Heidi and Shelly, who can already Model Fab Lace Chaps the way they should be...
These two Creative Souls never cease to Inspire me and I just know 2014 will hold more of their Creativity and Unique Style and Fresh Designs.  Be sure to come back tomorrow as I take you into RUST AND ROSES and SIRENS AND SAINTS and show you what unexpected Fabulous Surprise lay waiting inside for me for Christmas from the Creations of my Uber Talented and Surpremely Generous Artist Friend Angela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will just give you a Sneak Peek of the BOX it was wrapped up in... which in itself I thought was Fabulous enough to be the Actual Present!!!   And I knew Princess T would 'Claim' as HERS the moment I walked thru the door at Home!  *Which she absolutely DID!!!  LOL*  Angela had to tell me to look inside or I might never have even opened this Beautiful Box to Discover the gobstopping Awesomeness that lay inside!   Angela is one of those Artists that Creates every aspect of a Gift, even the Packaging!   But... you shall have to wait for that in Tomorrow's Post... *Tee Hee*  I know I'm such a Tease! 
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
