This really has been an exciting time in my life lately. Newspaper articles and interviews, art shows, my photos on the morning news, concerts, and tons of fun. The latest exciting thing is that I've been asked to be a model in a fashion show on Thursday! It's a benefit for a family who tragically lost their father/husband. It's for a great cause and I get to go to one of my favorite stores and pick out an outfit to wear tomorrow. I even got my brother to be a model too so it should be lots of fun...as long as I don't throw up right before from nerves! Ha.
This has motivated me to buy my own membership at the gym and go every day. Up to this point I have been loafing off of my husband's membership (he can take a guest). But since we are hardly ever kid free and able to go together I decided to just get my own and go. Plus there is free tanning. (I know, I know-redhead's shouldn't tan but I've never been this tan in my life and we're going to a waterpark soon and I bought a bikini and I am sure I could come up with a few more excuses...I mean good reasons.). Today I dropped my son off at preschool and went for the second time all alone. I love working out, especially on a treadmill and with weights but I have always felt a bit uncomfortable at a gym by myself. I'm getting over that and I was doing really well today, running at a great pace for the longest I've ever been able to run...that is until the "incident." They have a place in front for you to put your ipod/phone and I had mine in there and my headphones on. I guess my hand hooked the cord, pulled the cell phone out where it precariously dangled for what seemed like 5 seconds in slow motion, hit the belt and went flying out behind me! Classic Janna. I had no one to laugh with about this (inside I was laughing hysterically), but there were plenty to laugh at me. I had to stop the machine, get off, and retrieve it. And I lost all my settings on my machine too! I reset it and went back to running as if nothing ever happened. But hopefully someone saw it and laughed because it deserved a laugh! Yes, I will be investing in an armband to hold my phone very soon.