From thenearfuture
From TheLittleRooster
This was taken in Vienna and she said the floors are all uneven and each room is painted in a different color. Awesome.
From ErosDIY

From Duende74
Low Tide Fine Art Photograph 6x4 $10
From MissBeeDesigns
Awesome photo, awesome necklace.

From YannPendaries
Such a whimsical print that looks more like a painting than a photograph.
from StephanieTeague
All by Myself (Shoes In New Zealand) Original Painting on board $140
From reddoll
This dress is so super sexy and awesome. I want it! Her whole shop is full of amazing high fashion pics so check it out.

From Joedero
This guy is so freakin talented I had to feature him twice! The above painting was done using ink as watercolor and he ripped the board off of one of his homemade waterboards. He rocks!